Chapter Fourteen - Sage

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I was pressed up against Hunter's chest as he slept. His arm sprawled possessively over me as his heartbeat thumped steadily against my back.

The grin on my face wasn't shifting. It had been there for hours. It would most likely be there for days.

However, my bladder was not happy. It clenched and I couldn't put it off any longer. Slowly I lifted his arm from me and shuffled away, careful not to wake him.

Out of his grasp, I sat up, turning to hear him grumble and reach out as if he were trying to find me.

A deep ache erupted in my chest.

He looked adorable.

Ha! Hunter Stone, adorable? Who would have ever thought it?

Pushing aside the deeply unsettling aching feeling, I slipped from the bed and tiptoed over to the en-suite bathroom, quietly shutting the door, before clicking on the light.

My bladder was glad of the relief as I finished, turning the tap on to wash my hands.

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, my cheeks were still flushed from my post-orgasm bliss and oh my, my hair was all over the place. No escaping the 'just been seen to look.'

I rolled my eyes, duh... well you have just had the best sex of your life. Courtesy of Head of the Wolfe Industries sex God, Hunter Stone.

My mind replayed the night, his kiss, touch, hell even smell.

He had made me feel alive and wanted, more than I ever had.

The grin on my face stretched into a full-blown smile as I bit down on my lip. More flashes of our love-making.

Bloody hell, did I just think love-making... as in making love?

Holy Wolfsbane!

"You can quit that!" I muttered to myself, happy that my wolf was asleep.

Sighing, I had to get it together. We couldn't keep him.

Could we?

No, we couldn't.

Touching my lips, it was true to say, there was no way in heaven or hell I would forget what had just happened–if ever!

Dread then filled me as I feared all men would now be compared to Hunter Stone.

What if I never got to feel what I just felt with him again?

The thought was sobering, but it didn't stop me from replaying the last few hours with heat spreading through me like wildfire.

He had said he wanted me! Me!

And the way he had looked at me when he saw me naked–nobody had ever looked at me that way. And feeling every second of my orgasm was the best thing, and I now knew what all the fuss was about. Pearl had been so right.

Holy hell, Pearl!

She would be worried sick; I hadn't returned home, and I didn't have my phone to text her. I would ask Hunter if I could use his.

Flicking my eyes across his sink top, his toothbrush sat there. I wondered if he would have a spare.

Would it be rude to be nosey? I didn't think he would mind. Looking under the vanity unit I found a new one and quickly unwrapped and brushed my teeth.

Didn't want morning breath! Non, non, non!

Clicking off the light, I walked back to the bed. I smiled again as my eyes wandered the length of him until the sheet just below his hip took the joy away from seeing his impressive dick.

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