Chapter 25 - Sylar

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Shaken awake, a prickling sensation ran across the back of my neck.  My eyes flew open—wider than expected, greeted by nothing but darkness; the cool air dried them in an instant. 


What... where?   Disorientated, I felt movement as I heard my name called,  my sensitive hearing caught the sound of the bedside lamp beside me being flipped on, illuminating the room. 

Squinting I adjusted to the brightness, my focus honed onto a familiar pair of dark green eyes burrowing into my own—Misha's. Her eyes narrowed; concern reflected back.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice wavering.

My heart thumped erratically, and my wolf ran close under my skin, pacing wildly, growling, stiffening the hairs on my arms. Lifting my hand, I ran it across my forehead, the dampness was no surprise.

"You were growling... in your sleep," she said.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it swiftly, unsure what to say, knowing how she felt about my dreams... my dreams about her.  And tonight was no different it was all about her... Sage,  but that wasn't entirely true, something had been unlike my usual dreams —it had felt so real.

Tonight, had been the closest I'd ever been to her. I'd touched her, felt her smooth skin on mine, the smell of her hair as it brushed against my lips when I'd whispered in her ear.

I brought my hand down to inspect it closer, running my thumb across each finger. Yes, I had definitely touched her. Dropping my hand, I pushed myself up the wooden headboard, the roughness scraping against the bare skin of my back.


I blinked, swallowing before my eyes met hers. "I'm okay Misha." She looked tired, dark circles stood proud against the paleness of her face. Guilt rumbled around my stomach, she slept little enough as it was, always worrying about me.

Another voice distracted me. I peered around Misha to see Gavin, tall and imposing, standing in the doorway, running his hand through his dark brown head of messy hair, before yawning. Nothing disguised the fact that I had just woken him, woken them both—again.

"Everything okay Sylar?" he asked.

Misha didn't turn as she spoke to Gavin. Her hand came up to my forehead, pushing aside my damp hair. "It happened... again,"  she said her voice cracking on the last word.  She sat down on the edge of my bed, worry lines etched into her brow. "They're getting worse, aren't they?" she asked.

She was talking about my dreams. But now I felt sure they were so much than just dreams, we were connected. "Not worse, different. I could feel her this time... I touched her Misha; it was so real."

Her eyes widened at my declaration and I hesitated before continuing. "It's time Misha. I know I'm ready... she's ready."

Misha shook her head. "It's too dangerous Sylar, you can't..." the lilt to her tone was edged with unease.

Gavin walked closer to the bed, placing his hand on Misha's shoulder. "You know we can't stop him, if he needs to do this. We knew this day would come sweetheart; we made a promise."

I pushed myself further up, leaning forward, taking her hand in mine. I desperately wanted to make her feel better, I knew it would be easy for me to get inside her head, but I had promised never to manipulate her or Gavin that way.  

I took a deep breath.  "I'm supposed to be with her, she needs me Misha. I can't let him do this to her... its now... now's the time, before it's too late." I squeezed her hand hoping she could feel my purpose. "You don't understand what he's doing to her—what he will make her do—if I don't stop him." A tightness spread across my chest as I watched the pulse flicker in her neck. "We're supposed to be together Misha. You know this to be true."

Misha slowly nodded her head. My heart clenched watching her eyes glaze over; her lip trembling as she fought hard against the threatening tears.

"Just promise me you'll be extra careful—safe?" Her eyes appealed to mine. 

 I wanted to promise her I would be safe, but I couldn't give her that reassurance. It would have been a lie and I'd promised them both I would never lie, not to them.

The silence in the room was thick, clawing at my insides. I swallowed and opened my mouth to say something that would make her feel better, but she dragged her gaze away from mine, looking at my hand in hers.

"You don't know that she will accept you Sylar. That she will believe you, she's been with him for a long time, nineteen years is a long time. What if she wants nothing to do with you—what then Sylar?"

Self-doubt edged its way in, curling itself around my gut spreading like a disease.

What if Sage doesn't believe me—rejected me?

A shudder washed through me, I shook my head firmly, forcing the thought from my head. She would believe me.  I had to believe she would know I would only speak the truth.

Misha's head snapped up. Her voice stronger. "You're not answering me Sylar."

"Sorry Mis—"

She pulled her hand from mine, cutting me off. "I can't do this; I won't sit here. I know how this will play out - he's a dangerous man Sylar." She pushed herself from the bed, shaking off Gavin's hand from her shoulder.

Gavin sighed watching her leave, before turning his attention back to me. "She'll be okay. You know how she feels about you." He paused. "How we both feel about you."

My gaze dropped from the sadness that flooded his eyes too. I knew how much they cared for me, what they had given up for me, but I had to do this. There was no other path for me now. "I can't sit here and do nothing no longer. I'm of age, I have to go to her."

He let out a regretful sigh but nodded his acceptance. "What do you need from us, how can we help?" asked Gavin.

I shook my head; this part was still a little up in the air. I just knew she needed me —now.

I had to find her.

Tell her the truth.

Save her.

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