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Nineteen years ago.

Charles DuPonte had never been a patient man as he sat waiting in his study. Setting his glass tumbler down on the table, he picked up the photograph, studying it as he had done many times before. He tipped his wrist to check the time. It was five minutes later than when he had last checked.

What was taking so long?

Hearing a slight tap on his study door, he placed the photograph down, taking a mouthful of bourbon, and savoured the rich flavour before answering. "Come."

The door creaked as it opened to reveal a small older woman. Wearing a black dress, with thick stockings. Her hair grey tied neatly into a bun, she pushed her small round spectacles further up her nose. She offered no eye contact, over the many years in his service she had learned her place.

"He is asking for your Sir." Her voice was barely above a few decibels.

"Thank you, Margaret, you may go now, I need nothing more from you today."

Margaret lowered her head. "Thank you and good evening Sir," she replied, backing from the doorway, carefully closing it.

Charles opened the drawer to the left of his table, placing the photograph back inside, running his index finger over the face that stared back before carefully shutting and turning the key to lock it securely.

Heading upstairs to the first floor, he walked down the long corridor towards the room at the end—the same room that had once belonged to his only daughter.

He hesitated for a moment, his last interaction with the child inside, his grandchild had been brief... perplexing.

Entering his eyes his pupils flared in the dimly lit room. The little girl was asleep on the bed, her curly black hair fanned out on the pillow, her long lashes kissed her pink cheeks and the full curve of her lips were slightly parted, releasing a barely audible snore. She was just like her mother at that age. His heart tightened at the sight of her, unease swirling around his gut.

The Dream Walker, his eyes closed, neither acknowledged nor greeted him as Charles quietly shut the bedroom door.

Charles padded towards the bed and stood next to him, waiting.

Only the tick of the clock and the long slow breaths of the Dream Walker filled the room.

Charles glanced at his watch again, his patience wearing thin, he resisted a sigh.

As if the Dream Walker could sense his impatience, he Inhaled another long slow breath, opened his eyes, turning to face Charles. "What you requested, has been completed." He was a man of few words.

Charles looked up to look into the Dream Walker's face—a face he cared not to look upon for long. His face was as grey as death itself, his eyes were the palest watery blue, like a creature who had spent his life in perpetual shadow. His neck was long and thin with a protruding Adam's apple. He was tall, perhaps touching 6ft 6 inches, his presence alone could drain anyone's elated feelings. The creeping unease tightened its hold on Charles's stomach.

"As we discussed?" asked Charles, forcing his eyes back to the child.

"Yes, no memories linger, only the ones I have embedded."

"And what of the other..." Charles didn't finish.

The Dream Walker needed no elaboration of his wish. "As per your instruction, but it will need to be strengthened every third year of her life for it to endure."

Charles rubbed his hand over his chin. "Perfect, and are you sure this will remain in place?"

"I am sure," he replied. "But, you must phrase it exactly, 'violets bloom and roses curse.'"

Charles bit back his smile. "What about the other... her gift?" Charles wasn't sure what to call what had occurred to him in the cottage's bedroom, but he was sure that he didn't want it happening again, not to him.

The Dream Walker slowly turned his head, letting his eyes fall upon the child. "She will need instruction on how to use her gift; the phrase will lessen her control over you."

Charles nodded his head slowly, pleased by his words, running his tongue across his bottom lip as if to taste them. "Your usual payment, I assume?"

The Dream Walker gave one nod of his head.

Charles smiled, but his eyes remained fixed on his most precious possession. "The package will be waiting at your home."

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