The End

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Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to say a huge thank you. ☺️ Its meant the world that you stuck with this till 'The End' 🥰

And for all those that voted and commented (I have the best readers) then its an even bigger thank you for taking the time! 🙌

I hope you found my take on the Wolf world different and entertaining... Apologies for Hunters foul language, but that was simply his character. And I'm betting his use of the word 'yeah' almost drove you nuts 🤪

I wasn't sure if I would dip my toes into the wolf world again...first off the bat, this was thrown together quickly and to be honest, I didn't put much thought into a plot. But after a few days, I started having withdrawals and thought I could do much better 😂 hence, 'Pearl Rising' (see below)

  But after a few days, I started having withdrawals and thought I could do much better 😂 hence, 'Pearl Rising' (see below)

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Book Two takes us on quite a different ride.  Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The Kings Moon Pack.  The oldest of all the Packs.  Hidden In the heart of Kingshead, Montana, they live by the  old traditions.  But what happens when New World meets Old World?

Pearl DuPonte grew up in the shadow of her cousin Sage.  Secretly wanting to be special like her cousin, when her wish is granted, being Gifted isn't all its cracked up to be!

Wolf, Alpha to the oldest pack in America.  A Monster.  Cold. Ruthless. A Killer.  Nobody has seen his human form for years.  Rumoured to be more animal than human.

Sylar Dufrene, unlike his sister's mate, Hunter.  He believes in waiting for his mate,  and he's sure the woman reaching out to him through his dreams is the one. 

Willa, born under a curse is trapped and alone, she's about to find her world is far more complicated than she could ever imagine and finding her mate may trigger history repeating itself.

When Old World and New World collide.  Pearl's wish to find a mate could result in that old saying, 'be careful what you wish for.'  And Sylar finds double trouble when the Moon Goddess may have just granted him two mates.

'  And Sylar finds double trouble when the Moon Goddess may have just granted him two mates

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Book Three in the Gifted Series 👉 THIS is a sequel, you cannot read this without reading Book One...but you can skip book two.

Family's important, yeah?    Blood thicker than water and all that shit, right?  From my experience, Family can go one of two ways.  You either love them and would die for them or you want to strangle them with your bare hands.

Well, I  knew this was only going to go one way.  And when that day comes, and I free myself from this fuckin' place.  The first thing she's gonna watch is me killing the one thing she loves most.  The second, is my hand wrapped around her throat, squeezing the air from her lungs.  And lastly, she's gonna be wide awake when I rip that fuckin' hard as stone heart from her chest.

Yeah, you've probably figured it out by now.  I'm Hunter Stone and I ain't fuckin' happy.

  I'm Hunter Stone and I ain't fuckin' happy

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This is book 4 in the Gifted Series.  It can be read as a stand-a-lone but it will feature characters from the earlier books.

What could be worse than letting her love me?  Letting myself love someone else.

Devastated from the loss of his mate. Zander Stone, lives for two reasons.  Firstly, raising his two young sons and secondly to kill the monster that took the other half of his soul.  Till then, nothing else matters.

Hope Sanders.  A rogue shifter, is rescued by the King Moon Pack. She remembers little of her past and only a single tattoo of a butterfly tells her she had a life before her captivity.  She also has to deal with the fact she is unable to feel anything.  She's a freak.  And who could love a freak, right?

These two lost souls are about to be pushed together by the hand of fate, or rather the hand of Lilly, who just so happens to be the re-incarnated soul of Luna the Moon-Goddess. Which unfortunately for them - it means sometimes you don't get what you want - you are given what you need.

And again, thanks for reading!

Chrissy ❤️

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