Chapter 29 - Hunter

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I picked up the pace almost running at him and still the wanker didn't drop the smug look from his face—well he wouldn't be wearing it for much longer.

The cloud of rage that fogged my brain darkened further. It sent an electrical surge of pure adrenalin through my entire body. The unification of thoughts, beating of hearts, sharing of breath and the thumping desire for release thrummed through every nerve and blood vessel—my wolf wanted out.

I snarled, canines emerging from under my lip, as my jaw cracked.

I was moments away from the change.

As Victor's face registered what was about to happen to him, my curled fist landed the first blow.

His slow response to block my impact showed how weak, and pathetic he was. The pretty boy who'd always had someone else to do his fighting for him.


The sharp edge of his jaw connected with my knuckles, but I didn't feel any pain as I heard him yelp out like a newborn pup.

My wolf's perpetual thoughts were in tune with my own, the raw animal instinct unleashed, and my control was non-existent. Our sole purpose was to protect, claim what's ours and take him down.

He wanted him dead—I wanted him dead.

"She doesn't belong to you," was what I said before landing another blow. This time to his ribs as he doubled over, stepping backwards, coughing and spluttering. "You hear me, you piece of—" I was about to land another blow when something barrelled into me, knocking the wind from my assault.

The hardness of the earth beneath me didn't register as I rolled with whoever had taken me down. My vision obscured, my hands extended and my claws lengthened.

A howl escaped me and I couldn't hold him back. My bones splintered and even with the additional weight holding me down, my back still arched. The jacket I wore tore, and the muscles beneath them burned as they protracted, stretching, aching fuelled by the pumping of blood.


Forced deeper into the dirt beneath me, the heavy weight was unrelenting, pressing me down, and forcing the air from my lungs.

'Hunter.' I heard my brother's voice in my head through the haze of anger.

'Hunter,' he repeated through our shared link as my blurred vision cleared.

I looked up to see Zander's face staring at me. It took a second or two to pull my wolf back allowing my canines and claws to retract, taking my control back.

'Hunter. Snap the fuck out of it. I need you to stop. Control it.'

My wolf howled, ringing in my head as the cage closed in on him.

A semblance of rational thought bubbled as I pushed my wolf snarls from my head. I was in control again—for now. "I'm okay," I said out loud. Zander stared at me hard, his brow creased, his eyes a mix of worry and anger.

My chest rose and fell capturing as much air in my lungs, my heart strummed nonstop against my chest and my head throbbed like a bitch. I'll no doubt have a migraine from hell later, courtesy of him indoors.

Zander studied me for a moment, his grip still firm. "I'm gonna get off you now, are you calmer? Can we deal with this discreetly as in private not in front of every fucking Alpha south of Birmingham, yeah? I need you to remember who the fuck you are and where we are." His voice was low, growling out each word.

"Get off me," I said, not needing a lecture from my brother.

He pushed back, releasing his grip before standing and holding his hand out for me to take. I reached up, letting him pull me from the ground. Running my hand through my hair, the anger still there, only partially abated by the fact I wiped the smug look off that cunts face.

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