Chapter~ 8

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I woke up to my phone ringing and I picked it up "hello?" "Y/n!" Suga's voice filled my ears he sounds really excited and happy "guess what?!" "What?" The next thing surprised me "I have a soulmate" my heart sunk I felt like I wanted to throw up "G-grate I'm happy for you" "yeah the colour of the stri-" my alarm was beeping loudly I swung my arm around and turned it off.

I bring my arm back and rest my head on my hand "that was a nightmare?" I sighed gently. I got changed and had something to eat then left the house Hinata was about to knock on the door "Good morning Hinata" "morning!" The bright ball of orange hair smiled sweetly and got into his bike "you want a ride?" I nodded my head.

As we fly down the hill I started talking about my dream "that's weird" Hinata says as we start to slow down "only people who have a soulmate have those types of dreams" he stops in front of the gates. We get off of the bike I laugh a little "me and Suga? Pft I think every girl in this school will be gunning for me if we was together" Hinata turns around and looks at me "do you see the way he looks at you? he basically has stars in his eyes" the bright ball of orange hair walks off to lock up his bike I wait there thinking about what he said 'only people with soulmates have those dreams...Have you seen the way he looks at you?' I shake me head for the thoughts of me and Suga being together to go away.

Hinata runs up to me "ready for practice?" I nod my head we walk towards the gym to hear people running around and the sound of Volleyballs hitting the floor "I've got to get changed. I'll see you in the gym Y/n" Hinata ran off "see you". The door slid open to reveal a very sweaty Suga his hair was stuck on his forehead he had a water bottle in his mouth I couldn't help but stare at him as he gulps the water. Some water dribbled down his chin Suga pulls the water bottle away from his mouth and wipes his chin he looks over at me "oh hay Y/n I didn't see you there" he runs up to me and smiles sweetly.

I felt my cheeks go red "hay Suga" I wave at him "you here to talk to Daichi?" "I'm the manager" I laugh a little "oh yeah I forgot about that hahah" his sweet laugh made my heart skip a beat "come on" he gently takes my hand and walks into the gym everyone turns around and their jaws dropped "you two are dating?!" Kageyama yells I look down and see our hands are still together I pull my hand away and quickly shake my head.

Tanaka walks up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder "Yeah because she's mine" I giggle "in your dreams" Suga pulls me away from him into a hug "she's mine and no one is taking her away from me" my heart fluttered everyone went quite.
Hay guys it's ya girl Pixie. Thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any suggestions for the next chapter please tell me thanks. Anyway that's all from me

Pixie Out ( ^_^ )/

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