Chapter 30

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Isaac's POV

Me: Okay, get ready; I'll do it.

We went somewhere that nobody could see us and I dug my nailsin the back of her neck, in the places they had showed us and my eyes turned red.


We were watching Kira to keep an eye on her. A while before she got in her house, we saw a man in a hospital gown putting a cloth in her face and then she fainted. It was the guy Oli told us Noah was searching for.

A few seconds later he charged at my sister, hit her and she fainted too. I felt her pain. I run to her side to check on her. The only think I managed to do was feel the same pain again and then everything turned black.

*Back to the present*

End of Isaac's POV

I: You saw the same thing I did, right?

Me: Yes.

Soon, Lydia and Stiles arrived.

Ly: What happened? Why did you tell me to come here?

We told her what happened.

Me: She is in danger. Lydia, you must do something to find her.

Ly: I can't. All day I've been hearing this buzzing sound in my ears. I cannot concentrate. I didn't train either.

I: What do you feel exactly?

Ly: It makes me want to scream.

St: Then scream; Lydia scream.

And that's what she did. The rest of us fell to the ground covering our ears. Even the lamps on the road broke.

Ly: I know where she is. Before, I thought all this buzzing noise was from insects. Now, I know it's from the electricity center we have in town.

Me: Thank you. Isaac, let's go.

St: We will come too.

I: No, we took it upon ourselves and we can finish it ourselves. Also, he's a human; what can ...

Me: Don't say it. Last time you said that, a few hours later we fainted.

We left and went where Lydia told us she was. When we entered, we saw something after a while.

I: Look. That's the metal bat Stiles used to save our parents.

Me: Look down. The floor isworn...

I: If you drag this down there where its worn, after a while it gets magnetized on the wardrobe.

Me: What is the bat doing here?

I: He isn't the only one using it. Olivia is using it too.

Me: She also wrote Kira's name too.

I: Luna, something serious is happening here.

Me: We will see about it later; now we have to go to Kira.

We run and found Kira tied and that man ready to touch her with a cut wire that is full of electricity.

I: Don't you dare.

??: Aaa, you are right in time for the best.

He was ready to touch her with the wire and Isaac run towards him. I yelled at him not to, but he didn't listen. He touched Kira, a spark appeared and I fell down. I saw the man thrown back dead, Isaac falling down unconscious and burned and Kira getting up untied and consuming the rest of the electricity. In her hands actually. I run to my brother's side.


K: Is he okay?

Me: No. I must do something quickly. If I take too much of his pain, it might kill him. He's hurting though. He's hurting a lot, I can feel it. I hurt too.

K: I knew twins could do this, but taking his pain?

Me: Kira, please stop talking for a while, I'll explain later. Now I have to save my brother.

I grabbed his hand and took some of his pain, but nothing happened. I can barely hear his heart.

Me: Isaac, honey, please wake up. You're a True Alpha, you'll make it. If anything happens to you, I am going to die.

I said in tears. A few seconds later I heard.

I: I am still here. You're not going to get rid of me so easy.

He started healing. I hugged him so tight. When I broke our hug, I lightly punched him on the shoulder.

Me: Asshole, don't ever do that to me again. Never!

I: Okay, sorry.

He wiped the tears from my eyes.

K: Thank you for earlier, but I have to show you something.

She showed us a photo of herself and around her was an orange fox.

K: This happens only when I use the flash.

Me: This happens to us too. Actually, our eyes are shining with the flash.

K: Why?

Then I explained everything to her. In the beginning she wouldn't believe me, but we turned and she believed.

K: That's why I see this thing around me.

I turned my eyes and could see it live. It was really beautiful.

Me: It looks like it's protecting you.

K: I for once see it like it's a demon.

Me: Shame. You know I always liked werewolves, but what you are is awesome too.

K: Maybe I need to get used to it.

Then we told her about the ninjas. Later we left for our homes, because it was already too late. While I was sleeping, I woke up from Olivia's screams. This happens a few days now. I run to her room, but Noah was already there, hugging her.

Me: Olivia, what happened?

O: I don't know. I was at the school and I opened a door and I was at the school's field. The lights turned on and I was stepping behind and fell on the Nemeton.

Me: Deaton said that in order to close these dreams, you have to close this half-open door in your mind. Allison must do the same thing.

N: Come, baby girl, go to sleep.

Me: Noah, you can go. I will sleep with her.

N: You have lessons tomorrow.

Me: And you have work. It's more important. Go.

I said that and he left. I lied next to her and was caressing her hair until she fell asleep. I didn't sleep at all, in order to keep an eye on her.

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