Chapter 26

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JB: I will kill you, like you made Kali do it. Maybe I will make someone else do it.

Me: Don't you dare...

I said but he was already coming toward us. It was like he was enchanted.

I: Deucalion, please don't hurt him.

Me: Yes, you promised.

Dn: For me, not for you.

Then he made a loud roar and Isaac and I fell down and grabbed our ears. I was feeling my snout coming out and not only that. We were ready to change and we grabbed each other's hands in order to resist.

Then Derek came in front of us but stopped. It was the yellow moon. It was full. I felt it as it took our powers. Everyone's except Jennifer's; that with one move went in front of Deucalion and started hitting him. She grabbed his hand and smashed it on the floor. Then Derek told her.

D: Jennifer, don't do this. He doesn't know how you changed after the attempted murder on your life from your Alpha, Kali. Make him see.

Then she put her hands on his eyes and Deucalion started yelling. She got up, tried to hit him and she got dizzy. She fell in my brother's arms.

JB: What happened?

D: Now that you healed him, you're weak.

She tried to attack him, but the yellow moon was gone. She became normal. She stepped back and poured mountain ash around her, so we can't get to her. She didn't know about me and my brother.

Isaac and I stood in front of the barrier and started pushing on it, in order to break it. When it broke, Deucalion came and cut her throat; she died. The entire sandstorm vanished.

I: You know, Deaton told that you used to be a man with vision and that you can become that man again. We will let you go with that condition.

Me: If we find out you didn't do it, we will come for you.

He nodded and left. Then Isaac, Derek and I hugged.

D: Don't hide anything like that from me again.

Me: I promise. I owed you one though, since you hid that you were a werewolf.

D: So, this was revenge?

I: Something like that. I am not the only one paying for it.

Jenna's POV

I was at Brett's house and I was waiting for him to get back. He went outside for a while. Argy was at her cousins' place. While I was waiting, suddenly, all the doors closed and the lights turned off. I couldn't see anything. I turned my eyes, in order to use my wolf sight and see better.

Then, in front of me appeared something like a ninja with a silver mask on its face and dressed in black. I made my nails come out without changing completely yet. I hit it with my nails, but nothing happened. My nails went through it.

Through the shadows another one came and then one more and they pulled swords from their chests. I took a step back. One of them disappeared from in front of me and appeared behind me, capturing my arms. The other that was in front of me was coming closer and I was trying to free myself, but it was useless. When it was inches from my body, it put its hand on my head, behind my ear. Its eyes were shining. It took its hand and the other one freed me. I fell down. I watched them leave and then everything turned black.

End of Jenna's POV

Brett's POV

I left Jenna alone at my place, in order to go and buy ingredients to make her food. When I returned and walked inside, it was complete silence. I called for my girlfriend but I got no answer. So, I started looking for her.

When I found her, she was on the ground. I immediately run to her side. I took her in my arms and started calling for her name to wake her up. Luckily, she woke up in a minute.

J: What happened?

Me: You tell me. I came back and found you like this. –She told me what happened. - I will inform my sister.

I told my sister what happened telepathically.

Ar: Can't we ever relax?

Me: Honestly, I don't know.

End of Brett's POV

We returned home and saw that our parents were back. We run to hug them. Then Jenna called me and told me what happened. All the siblings went to the room to tell them what happened. When I told them

Sc: What is this now?

St: If we rest for a day, the universe will be destroyed.

Me: Maybe it's the creatures that Deaton said would be drawn here when you did that thing with Allison.

O: Most likely.

I: I smell new troubles.

D: Me too. They attacked Jenna who is a werewolf; maybe they will attack us too.

I: Or all the supernatural creatures.

St: So, we must be careful. We should tell the others. And always be together, or at least in pairs.

O: Yes, but don't forget that you can't hurt them.

Me: We can't. What about you and Allison? I mean, there are so many things that we can't touch, but you can.

I: Tomorrow, we will all meet together to talk about it. Now is late.

O: He's right.

Everyone went to their room. I talked with Aiden on the phone for a little and then went to sleep. Tomorrow lessons start and we have a week for revisions. Then exams start. Let's see what we can manage.

We have to deal with these new creatures too.

The next day I went to school. In the first lesson, we didn't do anything, they just gave what we had to read for the exams and let us free until the next lesson; that means Jenna, Isaac, Argy and I had some free time. Then Allison came running and told us

Al: I have a problem.

I: Relax. Breathe and tell us.

She managed to catch her breath and told us

Al: Since last night, I see my dead aunt, Kate, everywhere.

Me: What?

Al: Yes. I believe it has to do with what your sister and I did for our parents.

Me: Olivia hasn't told us anything.

Then the phone rang and it was Malia.

M: Olivia says she has a small problem; she says she can't read.

Me: How is that possible?

M: I don't know.

I: Couldn't you say anything else? I heard what Malia said.

Me: I'm coming.

Ar: What happened?

Me: Isaac will tell you.

J: But we have a lab lesson in a while.

Me: Sign in for me, I have to go.

I said and run to Olivia's school. When I arrived she was in the restroom in terrible condition.

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