Chapter 44

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Liam's POV

When I woke up, I was in a well. After a minute, I realized that my chest was hurting. When I looked, I saw a stab wound. Garrett did this to me. I tried to climb, but I couldn't. Then I concentrated, my claws came out and climbed again. I barely managed to climb two feet when I slipped and fell down. Then I howled. I tried again faster. This time I managed to climb to the edge of the well and a hand came and pulled me out. It was Luna.

Me: How did you find me?

L: Your howl save you. We need to continue with your training.

End of Liam's POV

We went to Deaton, and he healed Liam. I went home and took Snow in my arms; the little wolf puppy that Aiden got me. With everything that has happened, I haven't got the chance to enjoy my time with her. Melissa and Noah have been taking care of her more than me. I sat on the couch and I pet her. She's is white with blue eyes. Then Aiden came in, with the keys I had given to him. I also had keys of his house. When Ethan comes back with his boyfriend, Aiden will move in with me.

A: Where were you all day? –I told him what happened- Is Liam okay?

Me: Thankfully, yes. We need to continue with his transformation, so he can fully control his powers.

A: You have to train Snow too.

Me: Will you help me?

A: You didn't even have to ask.

Me: I won't do the same thing you did to me with the balls. I am not that mean!

A: So, I was mean?

Me: Yes, very.

I replied and he started tickling me; Snow growled at him and he stopped.

Me: See? Even Snow agrees.

Me: Ha ha, very funny.

Then we watched TV. Snow fell asleep on me. When we went to bed, I put her in her bed and I went to bed with Aiden.

Lydia's POV

In the morning, Stiles and I woke up and decided to study, but after a while, Officer Jordan Parrish called us. Meredith Walker was there. She is a Banshee too; I've met her in my dreams many times. She should be in the psychiatric clinic of Beacon Hills. When we arrived, we went to the Sherriff's office and he informed us that in half an hour, he will call the clinic to come and pick her up; so, we had to hurry. I gave her my phone.

Me: Meredith, they are asking for you.

MW (Meredith Walker): But the phone isn't ringing.

Me: But you always communicate through the phone.

MW: It isn't ringing.

Me: When you want to call someone, what is the number?

MW: 33735.

Me: That's half the number, what's the rest?

MW: That's the number.

Me: The numbers are always 10.

MW: But that is the number.

End of Lydia's POV

Stiles' POV

Ly: Meredith...

As Lydia was talking with her, I was staring at the phone my father had on the desk. It had numbers and under them letters. 33735 maybe...

Me: Lydia, what if the numbers are letters?

Ly: You're right.

Then we were playing with the letters and the name Derek appeared. Maybe it's the code for the third part of the list. When we went home, we tried it and the other names appeared. Until now, the other names that unlocked the list were Erica and Boyd, who are both dead. That means that since Derek isn't dead yet, maybe he will be. I have to warn them. I got up in order to leave.

Ly: Where are you going?

I explained my thoughts.

Me: He's my brother. I have to warn him.

End of Stiles' POV

Derek's POV

I was hanging out at my place when Stiles came.

Me: What happened? What do you want? –He told me what happened- Stiles, I am not scared. I don't believe all this. It was just a coincidence.

St: But Derek, what if it's true?

Me: Stiles, I didn't die when I fought the Alphas and the list will make I happen? I don't think so.

St: It won't be the list, but the ones who kill for the money.

Me: I already told you that I am not afraid and don't tell any of these to our siblings.

St: Fine.

He left without saying anything else. I ate and when I was done the phone rang.

Me: Hey Noah, what's up?

N: Come here, we need to talk.

Me: We'll talk about Stiles' funeral and how much jail time I'll get.

I hang up the phone and went to the precinct. He didn't tell our siblings, but he told Noah. I should have seen that coming. When I arrived, I went in his office and he started.

N: Have you gone mad?

Me: Why, what did I do?

N: With everything that has happened and you don't believe? I do though, and I am scared for you.

Me: Noah, I told Stiles and I'll tell you as well, I was not afraid of the Alphas and I will not be afraid now.

I stayed there a little longer and when it was dark outside, we got a call to go to the college. When we arrived, he turned on the flashlight and we headed towards a classroom. The door opened and there was a pond of blood, but I hadn't smelled it.

N: Why didn't you tell me there was blood?

Me: Because I didn't smell it.

N: How did that happen?

Me: I'm losing my powers.

N: And you still don't want to say anything?

Me: Yes, because I know what I have to do.

I said and left. I went back to my place, I texted Braeden and after a while she arrived.

Br: You are much more handsome as an adult than a teenager.

Me: Thank you, but that's not what matters now. I am losing my powers and I need help.

Br: I'm in.

End of Derek's POV

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