Date Night

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Once Saint had unpacked the bags (and hidden the condoms) he began cooking. He'd bought the ingredients to prepare Zee's favourite fried pork and his own omelette and rice. He chopped and prepared everything he needed then set to work cooking.

Zee was half way through his first bottle of beer when he smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. He followed his nose to the source and found Saint standing by the stove with a look of concentration on his face which was adorable. He walked behind Saint and wrapped his arms around his waist before kissing him on the neck. "Mmmmm this smells so good, almost as good as you..." he kissed Saint's neck again and felt him shudder.

Saint could feel himself heating up and knew it was nothing to do with cooking. "Zeeeeee," he sighed "stop distracting me or the food will burn." He was tempted to say forget it and just let Zee drag him to the bedroom but he wanted tonight to be special so he persevered "We'll have time to cuddle when we've eaten ok?" Saint continued stirring the food and did his best to pretend Zee wasn't pressed close behind him.

Zee loved the way Saint said his name like that and couldn't wait to make him call it again and again. "Ok Bunny, after we've eaten, you're all mine ok?" He kissed his neck once more and managed to tear himself away. "Are you sure I can't help?" He asked as he walked away.

Saint took a deep breath "No thanks, I'm almost ready. I'll call you in a minute when I've set the table." He watched Zee walk out of the room then tried to get back to cooking, promising himself it would be worth the wait. He plated their food then began to set the table. He had bought candles to make it more romantic, but now he was worrying it would be too cheesy. Uhhh why did it have to be so hard, he just wanted tonight to be perfect. He was sure Zee wouldn't mind a bit of cheesiness so he lit the candles and laid out the chopsticks and cutlery. Once he had poured some wine and put the plates on the table he called Zee to come out.

Zee heard Saint callimg and walked into the kitchen. The food smelled amazing and the table looked so cute! He was touched that Saint had gone to so much effort for him. "Saint! This is so lovely! Thank you! I don't think anyone has ever gone to this much trouble for me before..." he closed the distance between them and hugged him tight.

Saint released a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He was so glad Zee liked what he had done. "My boyfriend deserves the best," he said shyly. "I just hope you like my cooking! Come let's sit." He said kissing Zee's cheek before sitting down. Saint enjoyed cooking but he had never had the confidence to cook for someone like Zee before. He began serving the food onto Zee's plate before filling his own. "I hope you enjoy it." He said before tucking in.

It wasn't fair. How could Saint be handsome, sexy, a talented actor and a brilliant chef too! "Saint, we should never eat out anywhere ever again. This is amazing." He said between mouthfuls of food. "This is the best fried pork I've ever had..." He wasn't even exaggerating, it really was.

They ate their fill and managed to almost finish a bottle of wine. Saint began to clear the plates and clean up but Zee wouldn't let him. "You cooked so I'll clean it's only fair..." he wouldn't even accept Saint's offer to help, making him sit down and relax while he worked. Soon the dishes where done and everywhere looked good as new so he headed in the living room to find Saint.


While Zee was distracted Saint wrote a note "Join me in the bathroom..." and left it on the sofa. Then went to the bathroom and filled the bath with water and some of his favourite bubble bath. He lit the rest of the candles he had bought and set them around the room. He was shaking as he undressed and got into the bath, partially from nerves and partially from excitement. Once he was in he let himself relax and wait for Zee to join him.

Instead of finding his boyfriend as he had hoped Zee had found Saint's note. He practically ran to the bathroom. When he was at the bathroom door he took a moment to compose himself. A million different possibilities of what he would find waiting for him. None of those compared to the sight that greeted him. Saint was laid back in the tub with his eyes closed. His chest was out of the water and the candle light was making pretty shadows on his skin. He looked like a work of art. Saint seemed so relaxed that for a moment Zee didn't want to disturb him, but he had been invited to join him so it would be rude not to. Zee began to take off his clothes as quickly as he could. He was just stepping out of his pants when he noticed Saint's eyes were open.

Saint heard the second Zee had opened the door but he kept his eyes closed for a second before peeping. Zee was pulling his top over his head, exposing his chiseled chest and abs. He only paused for a second before pulling down his pants and it was only then that they locked eyes. Saint was grateful for the bubbles covering his erection but knew that once Zee stepped into the tub he would know he was hard in an instant. "Are you coming in Zee?" He said with a quivering voice.

Saint asked him to join him in the tub and every drop of blood in Zee's body began to make it's way to his dick. He couldn't stop staring at Saint as he got harder. "Please..." he said quietly before walking forward and stepping in to the tub. Saint had slid forward so Zee could sit behind him. He slid behind Saint and hissed at the friction on his straining erection.

Saint waited until Zee was sat down fully before leaning back against him. He could feel Zee's erection pressed into his back, he tipped his head back and whispered "I've been thinking about this all day..." before sliding himself against it.

Zee thought he deserved a medal for not cumming on the spot with Saint rubbing on him and talking like that.
He decided it was time to give Saint a taste of his own medicine "Me too..." he said lowly, then slid his hands across Saint's chest pinching his nipples. This caused him to moan and arch up slightly, letting Zee see that Saint was just as hard as he was. He slid his hands down Saint's abs and just as he reached his erection he asked "Tell me this is ok? I really want to touch you..."

Why did Zee have to sound so hot? Saint could barely speak he was so desperate to be touched and here was Zee sounding like something out of a wet dream. Instead of answering Saint grabbed his hands and guided them down to his erection. Sighing loudly as Zee grabbed him firmly. Saint was pretty sure this was going to be the fastest orgasm of his life but he didn't care. Having Zee's hands on him was intoxicating and he needed more. He began to thrust up into Zee's fist and was moaning loudly. Zee stroked one hand up Saint's chest and pinched his nipple and Saint came hard while screaming Zee's name.

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