Time to Heal

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***After the last chapter which made me sad, I felt we all needed a fluffy smutty chapter, so here it is. Hope it makes up for the sadness of the last chapter***

Zee woke up still in Saint's arms, his head was pounding and his eyes were struggling to open. "Shit." He said rubbing his temple. Memories of yesterday flooded in and just as the tears threatened to flow again, Saint spoke. "Good morning my love. No more tears now, let's go have a bath and talk ok?" Zee hugged him tightly "Ok..." he whispered with a hoarse voice. Saint squeezed back. "I love you so much Zee." He said kissing the top of his head. Zee wondered if they could just stay here forever, but Saint began to sit up so he followed his lead.

Saint held Zee's hand and lead him to the bathroom. He filled the bath with water and added a lavender scented oil. Once he made sure it was the perfect temperature, he walked over to Zee. "Im going to undress you now." He said quietly "Is that OK?" Zee nodded signalling his consent so Saint began removing his clothes. As he was doing so he spoke. "Now I need to know, do you want to bathe alone or would you like me to join you? Or I could just stay in the bathroom if you don't want to be alone?" He waited for Zee's reply, leaving his underwear on until he got an answer. "Of course I want you to come in with me!" Zee answered kissing Saint gently on the lips. "I'm so sorry about yesterday..." he added as he helped Saint remove his clothes. "And thank you so much for looking after me." Saint smiled gently and kissed Zee chastly. "I'm always here for you my love, just as you're always here for me. Now let's get in the bath before it goes cold.

They stepped in the water, Saint positioning them so he was sitting behind Zee. He waited until they were bith comfortable with Zee resting his head on Saint's chest before he began to speak again. "I know this is going to be hard for you but can you tell me why yesterday got to you so much? Has something happened like that to you?" He felt Zee stiffen slightly in his arms so he began gently rubbing his chest. "No, thank God, I've never been in that position." He began taking steading breaths "It's just... It seemed so real. Like you know how blurry the lines are between Fighter and me? But this was just sickening. I could feel the anger and desperation he was feeling. I know it's so wrong but I could see why Fighter did everything he did, and that terrifies me."

Zee was glad he couldn't see Saint's face, if he saw a disgusted expression he would be completely broken. Saint simply enveloped Zee further in his arms and kissed down his spine. "I know you and Fighter get muddled sometimes but you are not him. And as for seeing why he did what he did, I did too. If I lost you Zee, if you said you no longer loved me I'd be broken and I know you'd be the same, but unlike Fighter I know 100% that I can trust you. That you would never hurt me that way even if you were hurting yourself. You're too good a man for that Zee. But all of that is beside the point because we will love each other forever and as I've already told you, you can doubt anything else in your life but not us. Never us."

Zee cried hearing Saint's words, how the he'll did he get so lucky? "Saint," he said washing away his tears. "I need you. Please make love to me." He turned in the bath so he was facing Saint and kissed him deeply. "Thank you for knowing me so well, for always understanding what I need to hear and for never letting me down. I love you so so so much and I'm so lucky that you love me too." He said before diving in for another kiss.

Saint returned the kiss happily. "We're lucky to have each other my love." He said reating his forehead on Zee's. "And I know we'll still feel this way if we live to be 100. You're my soul mate Zee and we'll always be together." He kissed him once more before standing up and encouraging Zee to do the same. He wrapped them in towels and led them back to the bedroom. He sat Zee down on the bed and gently dried him all over while Zee did the same for him. Once they were done he urged Zee to lay down. Saint wanted to erase any doubt from Zee's mind about them so he began kissing him slowly. Just tiny butterfly kisses, starting from his forehead and traveling down his entire body to his feet.

Neither of them was anywhere near hard so Saint knew they could take their time. This wasn't about satisfying their urges it was about expressing their love for each other. He moved back up Zee's body and lay next to the man he loved. "Look at me Zee." He whispered. Of course Zee complied, he rolled to face him and stared into Saint's eyes. "Never doubt us ok?" Saint said softly before leaning over and capturing Zee's lips. It was so gentle and perfect that Zee's heart felt like it might burst. He pulled away panting. "You and me forever right?" He said with a tiny smile. "And ever." Saint said grinning before leaning in for more kisses.

It started off slow and gentle, like it was their first kiss. Just presses of lips as they hugged their naked bodies together, losing track of time in their innocent pleasures for what could have been hours. Then Saint moaned quietly and Zee took it as an invitation and slipped in his tongue. Things began to escalate from there, gentle flicks of the tongue were added and hands roamed more freely and eagerly than before. Zee reached Saint's buttocks and grabed those perfect globes and pulled them closer. Feeling the answering hardness to his own further sparked the fire in Zee's gut.

"Saint..." he breathed pushing his hips in closer.  "I need you please..." Saint didn't want to stop kissing but he was longing to be inside Zee and have that connection for as long as possible. "Ok my love." He said stealing one more kiss before leaning over and retrieving the lube from the drawer next to the bed.  Once he had it he gently rolled Zee on to his back and situated himself between his legs. He prepped him slowly pressing kisses everywhere his mouth could reach. The only sounds in the room were from their breathing and the wet slide of Saint's fingers.

When Zee was fully prepped and leaking all over his belly, Saint lined up and pushed in to his tight heat. Once he was fully seated Saint leaned forward so their enire bodies were pressed together. Saint began slowly rolling his hips, wanting Zee to feel how treasured he was. This was so perfect he could cry. "I love you with all my heart Zee." he said unable to stop the single tear rolling down his cheek. "Me too my love, forever." Zee answered.

Saint continued with the languid pace, sloppily kissing Zee as he did so. He wanted him to cum first so he gently lifted Zee's legs so he could get a better angle to his prostate. Once he found it Zee moaned loudly and clawed his nails across Saint's back. "I'm so close Saint. Please..." he begged trying to reach between them. But Saint had other ideas he leaned closer increasing the friction on Zee's dick from their bellies. Then he began thrusting harder doing his best to hit Zee's prostate as often as he could. He leaned down and kissed Zee before slamming in and nailing it one final time. Zee screamed and came untouched between them. Milking Saint's orgasm from him as he did.

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