Time With You

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Zee thought that was the quickest he had ever got changed and out of make up in his entire life. He needed to get his boyfriend alone NOW. Kind of in a sexy way but also in a cuddly way. He would totally be down for sex, it was Saint after all so he would pretty much never say no, but he just wanted some privacy and intimacy with his boyfriend. Zee was saying goodbye to the staff and apologising one final time for holding them up when Saint arrived.

Saint found Zee apologising to the staff and couldn't believe how cute he was. He flung his arm around him and ruffled his hair. "It's ok my Koala," he said playfully "next time I'll just grab you and kiss you to save time." He kissed Zee's cheek and smiled as he watched the blush spread across his cheeks. The staff all laughed and a few told them to stop being so sweet before their teeth rotted. "I can't help it!" Saint replied "Have you seen how cute he is?" He pinched Zee's cheek to emphasise his point. The said their good byes then headed out.

"So my Bunny, the day is young so what do you want to do?" Zee asked putting his hand on Saint's shoulder. "We could see a movie or go shopping or out for a meal or we could just go home if you're sleepy?" Zee offered, he would be happy to do anything as long as they were together. Saint considered the options for a while "What if I want to do you?" He whispered in Zee's ear. Zee's whole face turned red and he sputtered, unable to answer. Saint laughed at the sight and pinched Zee's cheek. "I'm kidding! That can wait til later..." he added cheekily.

When they arrived at the car park Saint grabbed Zee's hand before he got in the car.  "Today was sort of weird." He said "Can I have a real kiss now? Just a little one..." He leaned in and Zee met him half way. This was nothing like the kisses from when they were shooting, they used their tongues and it was so good it made Saint's toes curl. He decided it was best to stop before they got too carried away, even though his brain kept telling him they had enough privacy to continue... "Mmm, nothing beats the real thing." He said before pecking Zee on the lips and getting into the car.

Zee was just getting into their kiss when Saint stopped it. The rational side of him knew this was for the best but the horny devil side of him was less than pleased. "That is very true..." he said walking around to his side of the car. "So what are we doing?" He asked as he sat down. "Let's go eat then we can head home?" Saint said smiling. "I'm starving!" Zee pinched his cheeks. "You're always starving but look at those chubby cheeks. Too cute!" Saint playfully batted his hand away and pulled tongues at Zee. "Wait til we get home, you won't be calling me cute!" He laughed.

They went to a bbq restaurant a few minutes from Saint's place. Thankfully it was pretty quiet and they got a nice table near the back away from prying eyes. Saint loved taking care of Zee so he did all the cooking and serving for him. They both ate and chatted about their upcoming schedules. They had filming coming up soon for the series and some music videos. Saint was excited to act with Zee, once they had gotten over the initial awkwardness filming the teaser was so much fun. Saint felt so confident with Zee that he could improvise on the spot and he knew Zee's reaction would be perfect. It made Saint happy that they were so in sync with each other.

Zee was stuffed from all the bbq they had eaten but he knew exactly what his boyfriend was thinking. "Come on Bunny, let's have a stroll and then we can get some ice cream to take home? Sound good?" He asked. The smile on Saint's face told Zee he was right. "Mmm I love ice cream!" He said kissing Zee's cheek. "I've got such a good boyfriend!" Zee paid their bill and they left the restaurant hand in hand.

Saint couldn't decide what ice cream he wanted so they ended up buying 3 different flavours as well as strawberry and chocolate syrup. Saint had fruit at home so he was going to make sundaes for them to eat while they snuggled on the sofa. Once they got to Saint's place, Saint sent Zee to get comfortable on the sofa while he prepared their dessert. He chopped up a banana and strawberries and put them in a bowl with a scoop of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream then drizzled on both of the sauces. He grabbed 2 spoons and headed to Zee.

Zee thought the dessert looked tasty but that Saint looked even more appealing. "Thank you! I can't wait to try it!" Zee said pulling Saint down into his lap. "Zee! I'm going to spill it!" He was laughing but keeping a firm grip on the bowl. No one came between Saint and his sweets! Zee relaxed his grip so Saint could put the bowl down. The second it was safely on the table, he grabbed Saint and kissed his neck. "Mmmmm, delicious..." he whispered. He continued  kissing and gently sucking on Saint's neck.

Saint wriggled in Zee's lap, feeling himself getting aroused. He grabbed a handful of Zee's hair and pulled him into a deep kiss. He pulled away panting minutes later. "Koala," he said "our ice cream is melting..." Saint slid off Zee's lap and brought the bowl over to them. He scooped up some ice cream and syrup and fed it to Zee. A little sauce stayed on his lip so Saint licked it off and continued kissing him. "Mmmm you taste so good." He said smiling. He pulled off Zee's top and kissed his neck and chest. Once Saint removed his own top he grabbed the spoon and dropped some syrup on Zee's chest and nipples. "Oopps..." he said "I better clean that up..." he put the spoon back down and began to lick up the sticky mess he had made.

Zee closed his eyes and moaned. Saint had a very talented mouth and was making sure he didn't miss a single drop. Saint moved away for a second before dripping more cold liquid onto Zee's nipples. "I am so clumsy..." he joked then went to work cleaning Zee up again. Saint was lapping with his tongue then sucking in and biting Zee's nipples. Zee pulled Saint back into his lap and kissed him, tasting the syrup on his lips. "Fuck Saint..." he moaned pulling Saints hips down and rubbing their erections together through their pants.

Saint grabbed Zee's hands and pinned them above his head. "Ah ah Zee," he whispered "I'm not doing eating yet." He kissed Zee and climbed out of his lap. He undid Zee's pants and freed his erection. Then reached for the spoon and slowly dripped the mixture on the tip of Zee's dick. "Shiiiittttttt..." Zee moaned loudly gripping Saints arm. Saint put the spoon down then slowly licked up the syrup. Zee's hands moved of their own accord and settled in Saint's hair. "Mmmm, you're delicious..." he whispered before taking Zee's dick as far down as he could.

Zee's eyes rolled back as he was overwhelmed with pleasure. Saint continued sucking his dick like it was the most delicious lollipop he'd ever had while Zee gripped his hair. "Fuck Saint I'm gonna cum..." he warned. Saint hollowed his cheeks and swirled his tongue around the head then pulled off with a pop. "Not yet Zee, let's go shower." Zee moaned not wanting the blow job to end. "I want to fuck you in there." Saint stood and walked to the bathroom. "Are you coming Zee?" He called over his shoulder.

Saint had already started the shower by the time Zee's brain waa functioning enough to follow. He had also brought in the lube and condoms in preparation.  Saint striped off the rest of his clothes as Zee watched, hypnotized by his beauty. "I love you Saint." He said honestly kissing him gently. "I love you too Zee." He replied pulling him into the shower. Saint turned Zee so he was facing away from him. He got soap and rubbed it all over Zee's body paying special attention to his nipples. He kissed and nipped Zee's neck while thrusting his erection between his cheeks.

Saint got the lube and started working to loosen Zee. The whole time his fingers were working he was kissing and touching every part of Zee he could reach. Before long Zee was moaning loudly and Saint knew he was ready. He put on the condom and added lube then lined himself up and pushed in. "Fuck Zee..." he panted "Can I move?" He asked. Zee was feeling amazing, he loved the way Saint filled him. "Yeah..." he said. Saint gripped Zee's hips and started thrusting slowly.

Saint kept the pace slow and steady, they had no need to rush after all. Zee had braced his arms against the wall because he was feeling so good he worried his legs were going to give out. Saint was brushing his prostate with every thrust but not enough to make him cum, just enough to make him feel like he was on fire. "Saint," he begged "harder pleassssseee..." he whined trying to push himself back further on to Saint's dick.

Saint loved hearing Zee beg. "Mmm..." he moaned then began thrusting harder and faster. His fingers were gripping Zee's hips so hard they would leave bruises but Zee was past caring. Saint was hitting his prostate hard and he was about to cum. Saint reached around and started stroking Zee's dick without much finesse. He was so close to cumming he just wanted to make sure Zee came too. He bit down on Zee's shoulder and came with a moan. It only took a few more strokes before Zee was coming all over the shower wall.

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