In Control

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*** So. Much. Smut ***

Zee couldnt do enough to help the crew pack up. They left most of the equipment anyway so the task didn't take long. They even left Fighter and Tutors pyjamas for them which made Zee smile. What he had in mind would not be requiring clothes of any description. Saint was also being helpful but that was nothing new, he was just a nice guy like that. Thinking of his boyfriend gave Zee a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, he was so far gone but didn't care.

Saint wanted to say that he always helped the crew this much and this fast but that would be a lie. He was working as fast as he could so he could get his hands on Zee. While he worked he thought of all the things he was going to do to the man he loved. It was onky as they were waving off the last of the crew that he realised they had no lube. Oh well, he could still make sure they were both satisfied without being inside Zee. He would just have to be a little more creative than usual. He might have done a devilish grin at the thought, but there was no one there to see anyway.

When Saint came back into the room Zee was standing by the wall checking if there was anything else he needed to move or tidy. Saint was on him in a second. He backed Zee right against the wall then put one hand around his throat and stroked his Adam's apple like he had done earlier but this time added slightly more pressure. Zee gasped in pleasure. "Do you remember my promise from earlier Zee?" Saint asked seductively. Zee nodded and swallowed making his Adam's apple bob against Saint's hand. "Good... Now we don't have any provisions here so I can't fuck you the way I was planning on but it's OK. It just means I get to play with you more."

Zee could feel himself tremble with anticipation. He couldn't deny he was disappointed at not getting to have Saint inside him but he knew his boyfriend wouldn't stop until they were both satisfied. He leaned forward to kiss Saint but found himself pushed back against the wall. "Ah ah," said Saint "you only get to do exactly what I say and not a thing more, ok?" Zee could feel himself growing hard in his pants as he nodded in agreement. "Now stay still..." Saint told him as he began kissing his neck.

Saint wanted to mark Zee all over, he loved leaving evidence that Zee was his, but they had more filming tomorrow so he knew he couldn't. That didn't mean he couldn't do anything though. He gently scraped his teeth along Zee's neck, hard enough for him to feel, but not hard enough to leave marks. Then he sucked on Zee's Adam's apple, which made Zee throw his head back and hit it slightly on the wall, while moaning lowly. Saint adored all the noises Zee made especially as he knew they were only for his ears.

Zee was convinced he could cum just like this if Saint carried on for long enough, but he was too eager to see what would come next to let that happen. Saint finished with Zee's Adam's apple and moved on to the other side of his neck while undoing his shirt. Once all the buttons were undone he whispered in Zee's ear "Take it off and stay there, I'm going to the bathroom but I'll be right back" Zee knew it wasn't a request and almost fell over trying to comply as fast as he could. As Zee was doing as he was told Saint basically ran to the bathroom. He knew it wasn't lube and wouldn't be suitable for prepping Zee but the free hand lotion would help ease the way for what he had in mind.

Once he got back Zee was shirtless and standing exactly where he left him. Saint had to reward him so he threw the lotion on the bed and kissed him passionately. "So good for me Zee." He purred between kisses. Saint couldn't believe how lucky he was to find someone like Zee who loved him for who he was and brought out so many emotions in him. He finished devouring Zee's mouth and began working his way down his chest. He kissed down to Zee's nipples before stopping and pulling away. Zee moaned quietly in protest. Saint moved back up to Zee's ear. "You want me to do something for Zee?" Saint whispered, knowing full well he wanted Saint to pay attention to his nipples.

Before he could reply Saint pinched both his nipples hard causing Zee to moan loudly and thrust forward so his erection crushed into Saints. Zee loved the fact that Saint was as into this as he was. "Fuckkkkkkkk" he moaned. Zee was so busy processing the feeling of having his nipples pinched that he didn't notice Saint sliding down to his knees. It was only when he felt his erection being freed that he finally paid attention. "I love hearing you Zee," Saint told him "you make such beautiful noises for me." He gently kissed the tip of Zee's dick making him hiss, then he began lapping the slit with his tongue causing a spurt of precum to leak out. Saint sucked the tip into his mouth and savoured the taste of Zee for a moment.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." Zee moaned loudly trying hard not to cum. Saint freed his erection and began stroking himself as he continued sucking Zee's dick. He felt like they were both close so he stopped and stood up. Zee was not pleased to say the least, he was so close to cumming he could sob. Saint stood so they were face to face. "I want you to face the wall and pull down your pants but don't take them off ok?" He kissed Zee allowing him to taste himself. "I promise you can cum soon my love, thank you for being so good for me." He finished, kissing Zee again.

As Zee was following his instructions Saint removed his pants and grabbed the lotion from the bed. Zee had done exactly as he was told and the thrill that gave Saint was indescribable. He walked up behind Zee and tugged his hair exposing his neck. He bit down hard enough for Zee to feel but not so hard it would leave a mark. "How are you so fucking perfect Zee?" He whispered in his ear. Zee simply moaned in response, blushing at the praise.

Saint's dick was throbbing and he was desperate to cum. "Stay still for me ok love?" He said before placing soothing kisses where he had just bitten. Zee nodded and held himself still. Saint opened the lotion and rubbed it between his palms to warm it. Then he coated his dick and began to slide it between Zee's thighs. "Mmm, this feels so good," he whispered in Zee's ear. He reached around and began stroking Zee in time with his thrusts. "But I wish I was inside you right now..." he continued, thrusting faster. He thrust hard one final time and came between Zee's thighs. "Cum for me..." he panted down Zee's ear and Zee coated the wall with his cum.

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