Just for Them

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After they had finished their first day of filming, Zee was beyond tired. He stumbled his way around set until he found Saint. Saint had finished his scene and was saying his goodbyes to the director and actors he'd been filming with. Zee couldn't wait to lie down and snuggle his Bunny while they napped. He couldn't think of anything better. Well he probably could but not while he was this sleepy.

Zee approached Saint from behind and slipped his arms around his waist. "Mmmm Bunny, let's go home, I'm soooo sleepy." He said pausing to yawn. Saint squeezed his arms and said "Ok Koala, let's go..." They turned to leave ignoring the comment of "Uhhh I have diabetes now..." coming from a certain actor. They walked to the car hand in hand. Well Zee walked while Saint practically bounced. Zee had no clue how Saint still had all this energy after working so hard all day. It reminded Zee of when he went to meet Saint after his fanmeet in Chiang Rai. He was just like this then too.

Saint got such a buzz from working that he always finished his day completely wired and full of beans. He knew Zee was tired so he was going to give him a chance to sleep once they got home. However that didn't mean he'd forgotten his promise early of reminding him who he belonged to. Saint was not the kind of man who went back on his word and he already had far too many ideas for what he wanted to do with Zee once they were home. He happily skipped to the car pulling his sleepy boyfriend behind him.

Because Zee was so tired, Saint offered to drive. Zee gratefully accepted and was asleep in the passenger seat before they had left the car park. Saint drove as slowly as possible so the normal 30 minute journey took an hour. When he had parked outside his place he got out his phone and ordered some food to be delivered for them both to save them from having to cook. Once he was done he took a second to just admire Zee. He was probably the most handsome man Saint had ever seen, and a whole lot of Zee's fans agreed. Saint felt lucky that out of all the people he could have been with, Zee chose him. He undid his seatbelt and Zee's then leaned across and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Come on Koala, we're home now so you need to wake up."

Zee stirred reluctantly, he was still sleepy but he could never refuse Saint anything. "Ummm..." he slurred sleepily "I'm awake." He stretched in his seat then turned and kissed Saint's cheek. "Thanks for driving so I could sleep. I feel a bit more alive now." He said opening his door. "Shall I cook for us?" He asked waiting for Saint to get out of the cara and join him. "I've already ordered." Saint replied locking the car. "We have about an hour wait so you can shower first."

They headed up to Saint's place and Zee showered while Saint got out the plates and cutlery. Once the table was set Saint waited for Zee to get out if the shower then excused himself so he could get clean. He made a quick stop in his bedroom first to grab a few supplies. He had plans for Zee tonight and he didn't want to waste a single moment of their time. Once in the bathroom he looked at the butt plug he had just got from his room. It was a lot smaller than Zee but if he had it in he knew he would probably be able to take Zee without any futher prepping. He stepped under the shower bringing the plug and lube in with him.

Saint had been experimenting a lot more since he and Zee had been together so he knew how to efficiently get him self loose enough for a toy or plug. He hadn't used a plug with Zee before and he was hoping it would be a nice surprise. Within 10 minutes Saint had the plug in and was trying to will away his erection before he got out of the shower. Once he had calmed down he put on some pyjamas and walked into the kitchen to meet Zee.

Their food arrived moments later and they day on the sofa and fed each other and chatted about their day. Sitting down was a bit more difficult that Saint had anticipated. If he moved even a little, the plug brushed against his prostate. He had to be still and calm so that he wouldn't get hard before he was ready. Once the food was finished Saint decided it was time for Zee's reminder. He started by slowly rubbing Zee's arm and chest. "So..." he said, hoping he would sound seductive. "Are you still sleepy Zee?" He asked. Zee must have known where Saint was going with this conversation as he immediately sat up and replied "NO! I'm fine now! Ready for anything!" Saint laughed at how eager he was but decided to tease him a little any way. "Ohhh that's a shame, I was going to suggest heading to bed, but if you're not tired..." Zee pulled an adorable 'deer in headlights' face and started trying to work out what to say in response.

Saint decided to be kind so he stood up and pulled Zee by his arm to the bedroom. "Well tired or not I have a lesson you need to learn so come along..." Zee followed happily excited for whatever was going to come next. Once they were in the bedroom Saint sat on the bed, Zee tried to join him but Saint stopped him. "Oh no Zee, you don't get to get on the bed yet." Zee could feel himself beginning to get excited, he loved it when Saint took control. "So what do I have to do to get on the bed?" He asked eagerly. Saint smiled "Well for starters you can get naked while I do the same..." before Saint had even finished speaking Zee was tugging his top over his head. Saint huffed a laugh and quickly removed his own clothes before sitting back down on the bed. A shiver of pleasure ran through him as the plug moved inside him.

Once Zee was naked Saint was ready to begin his lesson. "Well," he began trying to make himself sound stern "do you remember what all this is about?" He asked raking his eyes over Zee's naked body. Zee already had the beginning of an erection "I think it's because I lifed my top up on set today..." he said coyly. Saint smiled "Good." He began, "And what did I say I would do once we were alone?" Zee swallowed before replying "You said you would remind me who I belonged to..." He glanced at Saint's face, his eyes were hooded and he licked his lips. Zee let his eyes travel down his boyfriend's beautiful body and saw that Saint was almost fully hard too. "That's right," Saint said slowly spreading his legs slightly. "Now do you want to tell me who you think you belong to?" He asked while slowly stroking himself to full hardness.

Seeing Saint touch himself was enough to get Zee so hard he was leaking. "YOU!" He all but shouted "I belong to you..." He took a step forward to get on the bed with Saint but Saint put up one hand and stopped him. "Now that was so good Zee." He said "But I think you need to show me who you belong to before you can join me on the bed..." Zee shuddered at how powerful Saint sounded right now. "How? I'll do anything!" He said, he was willing to beg if that's what it took to touch Saint.

Saint looked him up and down slowly. Taking in every inch of Zee's body into his mind. "Well to start with," Saint began "I think I'd like you on your knees." Zee complied as quick as was humanly possible and reached his hands out to touch Saint. "Ah ah," Saint scolded. "No hands yet my love." He said stroking Zee's hair. "If you want to touch me you can..." He put his face so close to Zee that they were sharing the same breath. "...but only with your mouth." He finished before sitting back away from Zee.

Zee didn't need to be asked twice. He put one hand on the floor and stroked himself with the other then bent down and kissed Saints ankle. He slowly kissed his way up Saint's calf licking and sucking as he went. He sucked a hickey to Saint's thigh causing him to moan loudly. "Fuck Zee..." Zee smiled to himself before continuing his journey to Saint's dick. He licked the tip and Saint shuddered beneath him.

Saint gripped Zee's hair firmly and pulled him up to look him in the eyes. "Now," he asked "do you know who you belong to?" Then he kissed Zee deeply tasting himself on his lips. Zee moaned and rocked his hips forward against the blanked between Saints leg. "Yours! I'm yours! Only yours forever!" That was exactly what Saint wanted to hear so he pulled Zee up and kissed him again. "Yes!" He said "And I'm yours. Forever."

Zee was so gratified to be able to finally touch Saint that he couldn't stop. He was kissing and fondling and then he tried to climb on top of Saint. He wanted to ride him til they both came but Saint clearly had other ideas. He flipped their positions so Zee was on his back and he was on top. Zee could work with this, he continued touching and kissing letting his hands dip lower on Saints back until he slipped his hand between his cheeks.

Saint moaned as Zee touched the plug inside him. "Do you like your surprise Zee?" He asked sounding breathless. "I'm ready for you and I'm going to ride you until you're screaming my name." Zee fucking LOVED his surprise. He had been trying to work out the quickest way to prepare himself but Saint had already done all the work on himself. "I love you so fucking much..." Zee said kissing Saint. Saint reached behind himself and removed the plug. He felt empty and needed that to be fixed as soon as possible. "I fucking love you too." He said pushing Zee flat on his back.

Saint straddled Zee and Zee helped to guide himself to his hole. He sat down and let himself slide down slowly. Zee just lay there patiently while Saint adjusted. Even though he had prepped himself having Zee inside him stung a little, he was so much bigger than the plug after all, but it was a good sting and before long Saint felt able to move. He was already ready to cum so he didn't bother going slow. He set a brutal pace bouncing on Zee's dick trying to get it to hit his prostate so he could get his release. "Tell me your mine..." he shouted while frantically stroking his own dick. "I'm yours and your mine..." Zee moaned thrusting his hips up to match Saint's bounces. It didn't take long before they both came moaning each others names.

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