Chapter Five

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I land on the tower and quickly take a breather, I hold my heart feeling the impact on my hand. I look back, seeing only dead trees and branches. I turn around and walk over to a wooden crate, I sit on it and let my hands roam to my mask. I lift it exposing my chin, until I remember I'm being watched. I grunt and let my mask stay on, as my hands fall to my knees. 

I smirk and think to myself, they really had to take my bat away from me. I laugh a bit and grapple down to the ground, seeing myself feel lost again. I shake my head, staring down, and keep on walking. 

"Leon...Kennedy....I thought you would be living a normal life by now."  I let my expression change, allowing myself to relax. I know what I'm here to do, and he knows as well. I'm fine, and he's fine. I stop in my tacks and repeat my steps, trying to remember everything before getting caught. 

I scratch my head and keep walking, and remember I was in that house. That big guy strangled me, and I heard a voice. Something about keeping me alive, I let my hand fall onto my neck feeling a sting. I wince and stop, I quickly retreat my hand and examine it. I confusingly place my hand back, feeling the same pains. What? Did I sleep wrong or something?

I mean, he did strangle me..but why is my neck hurting only at one spot? Whatever, I have to keep moving. I walk along the path, until I hear some rocks falling down the hill beside me, I loo and see the same dog as before. I smile and tilt my head, I then watch his tail wag. I can't believe he wasn't startled, I mean I would be afraid of this mask. I laugh a bit, although I guess my scent doesn't change anyways. 

Okay then, I walk over and cross my arms. He or she barks into the distance, I watch the dog run away. I follow him and start to see a body of water, I run up and see one boat, I turn to thank the dog but it was gone. I then hear loud banging and crashes, I run up to the dock, squinting my eyes. It's foggy, I could barely see anything, until I watch Leon in a boat fighting a monster. 

I see the outline of the beast under his boat, I panic and have memories of the one in the sewer. I don't know what to do, I quickly yell his name.

"Leon! Under your boat!" He turns around confused, I watch him look at me I gesture under him. He gets shocked seeing the beast pop up in front of him, I grunt and jump in the boat. 

I start the old thing up, and make my way towards him. I drive, seeing him turning his boat everywhere. Before finally making it to him, the beast pops up, I turn the boat, holding on and feeling gravity take over. I look over and watch Leon try to help me, after I swerve straight, I turn around. The thing went back under the water, it's hurt. I then see Leon yell over to me, while were a few feet apart.

"How-How do you know my name!" I look around, trying to search for the beast. I then yell back to him.

"Now is really not the time--" The thing pops up between us, we drive the boat away from it. 

I shoot at the thing and quickly see something fly through the air, I notice it was a anchor. I watch Leon zip past me, making me realize.

"You fucking attached yourself to it! Idiot!" I shout, seeing him struggle on the boat. I turn on mine and quickly try to catch up with him. I then quickly stop in front of him, seeing him tired and drenched. I walk up to the front seat, and see him do the same, I rest my hands on the sides. "You want to die?"

"Do you? Why do you care so much about me?" I scoff at a lost for words.

"Why do you? It's not like you ever did!" His expression softens.

"I hurt you?"

On Opposite Teams || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now