Chapter Seventeen

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We walk up the stairs and see Ashley being carried by a man, he's holding her like a villain kidnapping a princess. She yells struggling to get away, we watch as the door closes on her. I flutter my eyes and know where they might be holding her. I turn to Leon watching my every move.

"Ashley is inside we know that for sure, but I think she's being held at a office or something. Raccoon city, remember we searched every office and testing room?" He nods, "If this is the most important place to be, that means research of the virus is here. They're probably watching her, since you both are carrying the eggs."

"You're probably right. Let's clear these guys out and find our way in." He starts walking forward, I follow hearing broken Spanish being yelled at us. 

We go back to back seeing them flooding in around us. I pull out both pistols and start aiming, we separate from each other while fighting. I shoot four down still seeing a whole group to come near me. I duck watching them throw a flamed torched at me, I stand up straight kicking the villager off of the island. 

I then turn around and start doing combat moves from them being near. One cult leader smacks my pistol out of my right hand. I watch it fly, I use the leaders kneecaps to jump off of him, I catch the gun while kicking him down. I look over and see Leon finish off a guy, he nods to me. We both then run down into the building, closing the doors so we won't get taken over. 

We walk down the place, as we pass by walls I start to mentality chuckle. Anyone could get lost, although this was just a cover up. I walk to a computer seeing brain scans, I click away and try to figure out if it's any of ours. I find nothing, which I knew was going to happen, it isn't this easy to find information. 

"They're hiding our data from us, it must be locked away somewhere in the system. Ashley must be close, we seem deep into this bunker." I stand up being annoyed with these people.

"Let's find her and get this parasite out of our body." I hold my pistols and watch as Leon keeps the door open for me. "How are you feeling?" I shockingly look towards him, it was random to ask him about it now.

"I feel..alright right now--but before I had sharp pains on my side, when I apple pressure it hurts. So, don't count it on the parasite because I have been beat down." I cocks his head understanding my case, as we open a door.

"You do have something different, so we don't know for sure." He kicks the last metal door down and we turn the corner seeing Ashley in ball on the floor. She happily gets up and runs over to us, thank god she's alright. "Let's get out of here." She nods joyfully and follows behind him.

We beat down her guards seeing them slowly evolve into more taller and stronger monsters. I look over and see a door titled wasted disposal, I point at it and Leon runs toward it. We suddenly stop seeing a hole leading down, it reeks. 

"This is gonna suck, and I've smelled worse." Leon smirks at me, I back away knowing what he's gonna do. I then look over at Ashley holding her nose shut.

"Agh! It stinks." Leon starts to get close to her, while I slowly walk back up to the ledge. "No way Leon!" I build up my courage and let my back face the hole.

"Well, see you guys on the flip side." I fall back and hope I don't smell bad after this. This is the grossest thing I have ever done, and killing these kinds on things says a lot. 

I land and feel a soft cushion, I open my eyes and watch Leon and Ashley fall down. She screams and makes a grunt as she lands. I yelp feeling weight on my arm, I sit up seeing Leon next to me. I yank my arm back and examine it, I then give him a stern glare. 

On Opposite Teams || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now