Chapter 6: Girl I don't think so!

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'CHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHIBI ME IS AWESOME!!!!!!' I thought as I looked at the stuffed animal that I made for Namako, you can probably guess what it was. IT WAS ME!!! I had sewn him a small candy-stuffed chibi-me! It was sooooo cute!!! Namako has been living with me for two months now and I had pestered him until he FINALLY told me when his birthday was, I was really happy because I was going to surprise him! But of course it wouldn't be a surprise if I threw him a one-man surprise party on his birthday! So I waited a few days (Me: *coughaweekcough*) and today I was going to surprise him! So I sewed him a chibi me and a chibi him holding hands and a card that said 'Friends forever' and inside the card I wrote a haiku! It was totally awesome! Even though I stayed up until... how long? I got up out of my comfy chair and checked the clock. It was 3:00 AM. I grinned, this was the perfect time to surprise him! So I sneaked to Namako's room and was about to scream "SURPRISE!!!!!!" when I noticed something, I couldn't sense his chakra, strange. I focused on the life forces in this house, nobody except myself was in this house. I frowned and went outside and focused on finding Namako's life force. I walked along the sidewalk and followed his trail until I got to a bar. Why would Namako go into a bar. I decided to go inside the ninja way and hid my catra.(Me: *facepalm* chakra. Linoa: THATS ONLY WHAT LOSERS SAY!!! Me: *faceplant*) As I sneaked inside I heard a familier voice. "She's CRRRAAAZZZYY, I'm pretty sure she's an alien on a sugur high!" Namako complained. I looked who he was talking to and hid my gasp. It was Rina! Namako looked drunk and Rina was eating fish as she listened. "EVERRRYYY dayyyy!!! She aaalllwaayss doooeeeessss sommettthiiing CCRRRAAZZZYYYY! Sheeeee is ann aaaliieen!!" Namako slurred. "Shhe isss so annnnoyying! What a freeaak! Honestly Rinaaaa!! I'm soo gladdd I ccaaann complete mmyyy missiooon sooooooooonnn annnddd gooo hoommee!! I can't staaand annnyyyymoooree timmme withhh LLLLiiinnnooooa!!" Namako said, I felt tears in my eyes. "TThhhee stuupiid idddiooot thiiinkkkssss I'mmmm heeerrr friend! Buuuuuttt IIII thinkkk shhee doubtttss thhhaaaat beeecaauuse shhe forgot my birthday!" I couldn't hear anymore because I had left the bar in tears.

Author P.O.V

A broken hearted Linoa leaves the Complain-A-Lot Bar while crying and letting her emotions loose not able to hear Namako say "But she's really kiiiiiiiiind toooooo! She alwaaaaaays lauuughs insults oooooofff! Thaaaatss whyyy I liiiiiikkee heeeer." What a difference it would make if she did hear that. Lots of ramen lives would be saved. Poor ramen.


SOOOOO What do you think happens? HMMMMM?!?! I know it seems like Linoa just crys but wait until the next chapter!

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