Chapter Two

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   After school Deku walked to his dorm and grabbed the stuff for Todoroki. Then, he went to Todoroki's dorm and knocked on the door. Todoroki answered. "Hey Midoriya. What did you come here for?" "I got you this teddy bear and these candy bars because I heard you were sick. How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling good." "You don't look good. You should get in bed." Deku grabbed Todoroki's hand and led him into his bed. Deku placed his hand on Todoroki's forehead. "You feel warm. You should take some medicine." Deku grabbed some Tylenol and a glass of water and handed it to Todoroki. "This'll make your fever go down." "Thanks Midoriya." Todoroki reached for one of the candy bars when Deku stopped him. "You shouldn't eat those, you'll get a stomachache." "You're right Midoriya. By the way do you like Mario Kart?" "I love Mario Kart." "Can we play it together? I've been playing it all day by myself and it's more fun with two players." "Okay." Todoroki handed Deku a controller. Todoroki won the first race. "Damn Todoroki, you're good at this game. I'm gonna win this next race." Todoroki kept winning every race. It was 10:42pm. "You should head back to your dorm," Todoroki suggested. "Ok. I'll check on you in the morning." "You don't have to. I'm sure I'll be fine."
   Deku plopped down on his bed. He opened his bookbag.  He grabbed a pencil and started to do his homework. After he finished his homework he decided to get some sleep. Deku kept waking up in the middle of the night. At 4:13am Deku decided to check on Todoroki. He quietly left his dorm and walked down the hallway and opened Todoroki's door. "Awwww he's so adorable when he sleeps," Deku thought. "Snap out of it Midoriya. You're straight. You're definitely not gay or bisexual." Deku sat down at the end of Todoroki's bed. He placed his hand gently on Todoroki's forehead. It was hot. Deku began falling asleep while on Todoroki's bed. Deku opened his eyes and it was 7:00am. "Holy crap! Did I just sleep with Todoroki," Deku thought. He looked over at Todoroki who was still sleeping. Deku hoped he didn't wake up while Deku was sleeping. "Todoroki wake up." Todoroki sat up in his bed. "Let me feel your forehead." "You should probably stay here for today. Take some Tylenol. I'll make you some breakfast." Deku's voice was high pitched as if he was hiding something. "Midoriya why are you acting strange," Todoroki asked. "I'm not acting strange. Why do you think I'm acting strange. There is no reason for me to act strange." "Because of the why you're talking." "Oh." Deku went to class. After school he debated on whether to check on Todoroki or not. He didn't want what happened last night to happen again. Honestly that was the best sleep Deku had gotten in a long time. If Todoroki was asleep then he'd never find out about it. Deku decided not to bother Todoroki today. He was probably being annoying earlier today. Deku decided to call Todoroki though. "Hey Todoroki!" "Hi Midoriya." "Are you feeling better?" "Yes, and I'm probably going to be at school tomorrow." "That's good. A lot of people missed you. Uraraka wants to know if you want to come to the carnival with me, her, and Iida." "That sounds like fun. When is it?" "It's on Saturday." "Ok, I'll come with you guys." On Friday Deku walked into class and saw Todoroki. Deku was happy that Todoroki was feeling better.

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