Chapter Three

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It was Saturday morning when Deku was woken up by Todoroki. "Iida told me to wake you up if you weren't awake by 10am. The carnival opens in one hour. Just go to Iida's dorm when your ready." Deku got out of bed and got ready. Deku couldn't stop thinking about Wednesday night. He wanted to sleep with Todoroki again. It's not like he had a crush on Todoroki. "Friends can sleep together, right?" Deku thought.
Deku knocked on Iida's dorm. "Hi," Iida said. "Were gonna get breakfast at a cafe nearby." The four friends walked to the cafe. Deku ordered a vanilla bean frappuccino. Todoroki ordered a black coffee. Uraraka ordered a hazelnut iced coffee. Iida, who, didn't like coffee ordered water and a croissant. "I've never tried black coffee before," Deku said to Todoroki. "Well then. What are you waiting for? Try some." Deku took the black coffee and tried it. He spat it out on Todoroki's face. "Sorry about that, Todoroki." "It's okay."
After breakfast the four friends walked to the carnival. "Ooooo that looks delicious!" Deku said pointing to the cotton candy. "Do you want me to buy you some?" Todoroki asked. "No, you don't have to. I'd buy it if I had money." Todoroki put his hand in his pocket and pulled out 5 dollars. He handed the money to Deku. "Buy some. You have to share with me though." "Thanks Todoroki! Can we also share with Uraraka and Iida? I don't want them to feel like we don't wanna share with them." "Okay." The four of them sat down and ate the cotton candy Todoroki bought them. Then they got in line for a roller coaster. It was estimated to be about an hour wait. "I'm scared!" Deku said. "It's going to be okay." Todoroki said. They got into the roller coaster. "It'll be over in a minute," Todoroki reassured Deku. After the roller coaster, Deku said he really enjoyed it.
At around 8:00pm everyone was getting bored. "Let's go to my dorm," Iida suggested. Everyone agreed and started walking to Iida's dorm. Iida made dinner for everyone. After dinner they all played Monopoly. At around 10:00pm Deku started to fall asleep. Todoroki slapped him and he woke up. Deku kept falling asleep and Todoroki kept waking him up until he couldn't wake Deku up anymore. "Since Midoriya is asleep, I'll go back to my dorm." "Wait!" Iida shouted. "I have to talk to you about something " "What?" "I think Midoriya likes you." "Why the hell do you think that?" "Because of the way he acts around you." "He was acting strange on Thursday morning but today he seems normal." "Also he tried you're coffee." "So what if he tried my coffee?" "That technically means you guys kissed." "Shut up Iida! We're friends so shouldn't it be okay?" "I guess so, but he was also worried about you when you were sick." "Midoriya worries about everyone." "I guess that's true. I just feel like he likes you." Todoroki didn't say anything. He just got up and started walking to his dorm. Todoroki laid down and thought about what Iida said. He looked over at the white, giant teddy bear. He read the card. "Hi Todoroki. I hope you feel better! From Izuku Midoriya." "He's so nice and caring and cute too," Todoroki thought. "Holy crap! Did I just think Midoriya was cute?" Todoroki had trouble sleeping that night. After a few hours of thinking Todoroki decided he might have a small crush on Midoriya. It was okay if he was gay or bisexual. Todoroki thought that there was nothing wrong with being apart of the LGBTQ+ community. He turned on his TV. The news was one. "Yesterday seven teenagers were arrested in Tokyo for being apart of the LGBTQ+ community." "Maybe there was something wrong with being gay. I don't see why loving someone of the same gender is illegal." Todoroki thought. "People should be able to love who they want to love." Tears started rolling down Todoroki's eyes. "Why does this have to happen?" He questioned.

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