Chapter Five

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   It was Monday morning. Todoroki packed up his backpack to go to class. He shoved his diary at the bottom of his bag. He put his other stuff on top of it. He left his dorm and walked into the school. Todoroki walked to his locker. He opened his backpack. He started putting stuff in his locker when he dropped his backpack. The diary fell out. When Todoroki went to grab the diary, he noticed it wasn't there. He looked up and he panicked. He saw Bakugo holding the diary. "Give it back!" Todoroki shouted. "Is this a diary?" Bakugo opened the diary and flipped through the pages. He stopped and started reading it. "Icy Hot likes Deku!" Bakugo shouted. At that moment Todoroki felt sick. He grabbed the book and ran to the bathroom. He felt nauseous. He threw the diary in the toilet and flushed it. Todoroki then threw up. He opened the stall door to get out when he ran into Deku. "Hey Todoroki. I heard you throw up. I hope your not getting sick again." So he didn't hear what Bakugo said. "I just felt nauseous." Todoroki didn't know what to say. "By the way. Stay away from Bakugo." Todoroki left the bathroom. In the hallway everyone was talking about what Bakugo said. "Midoriya and I are just friends!" Todoroki shouted across the hallway. Nobody listened to him. Even more people were talking about how Todoroki liked Deku. Todoroki started to get dizzy. Then, he passed out. Everyone started at Todoroki. Nobody helped him until Deku, Uraraka, and Iida came up to him. They tried waking him up, but he wouldn't wake up. Deku and Uraraka dragged Todoroki by his arms to take him to  Recovery Girl.
    When Todoroki woke up he was in Recovery Girl's office surrounded by Deku, Iida, and Uraraka. "You're finally awake!" Said Deku. "You were out for a while." "Yeah." "What happened to make you pass out and throw up anyways?" "I don't know I just didn't feel good." "Also why did you tell me to stay away from Kachan?" "Oh crap," Todoroki thought. What was he going to tell Deku? "I don't remember saying that," Todoroki said. "You must of lost some of your memory when you fainted." The bell rang. "Well I guess we gotta get to class." Deku said.
   When Deku walked into class. "Hey Deku!" Bakugo said. "I need to tell you something." "Oh crap," Todoroki thought. He picked up his diary and started writing.
   Dear Diary,
It's April 9th. The day just started and it's a bad day. Bakugo grabbed my diary and started reading it in front of everyone. I felt nauseous. I threw up and when I got back everyone knew that I liked Midoriya. At least Midoriya didn't find out. I got so stressed out that I fainted. Now class just started. Bakugo is about to tell Midoriya that I like him. I have a feeling that Bakugo is homophobic. If Bakugo told people that I liked a girl, I wouldn't really care. People are only talking about me liking Deku because we're the same gender.
  Todoroki's writing was inturupted by Bakugo who shouted in front of the class. "Icy Hot is writing in his diary about how much he loves Deku." Deku looked at Todoroki. "You love me?" "No! It's not what you think. Don't believe what that jerk, Bakugo says." "Why should you believe what Icy Hot says!" Bakugo shouted. Todoroki ran out of the class. Iida was chasing him. "You can't run out of the class like that! Especially after just missing 4 days of school." "Shut up Iida. My life is ruined." "I understand. Hopefully tomorrow everyone will forget about what Bakugo says. How did he find out you like Midoriya though?" "I don't like Midoriya." "Well he likes you." "Did Midoriya ever say he likes me?" "No." "And I never said I liked Midoriya." "Why would Bakugo think you like him then?" Todoroki didn't want Iida to find out about his diary. "Fine. I guess I like Midoriya a little bit." Todoroki pulled out his diary. "Yes. Before you ask I do write in a diary. I've just been kinda depressed about what's been happening to the LGBTQ+ people." Todoroki grabbed a pencil and started writing.
   Why do people hate me? Why do people have to hate other people? Why do people have to be homophobic? Why do people have to be mean? Ever since yesterday these questions have been going through my mind.
     Todoroki closed his diary. "Just tell Midoriya that were just friends." Iida walked into the class. "Midoriya, Todoroki just wants to be your friend." Deku was glad they were just friends. He still had to worry about what if Todoroki found out about Wednesday night.

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