Chapter Eleven

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   Three days later Izuku woke up. Todoroki hadn't gotten any sleep since Thursday night. He's been crying since Izuku been in the hospital. His eyes were red and puffy. "Shoto? Why am I here?" Midoriya said softly. Todoroki just cried. "Bakugo told you to climb a tree and then you jumped off and hit your head. Don't you remember?" "Nope. Hey Shoto. Don't cry." Midoriya was beginning to cry. "You almost died! Don't tell me not to cry. I'm worried for you." All Midoriya could do was talk. He had an oxygen mask on. He also had two IVs, one for medicine and one for liquid, along with a feeding tube. He had EKG stickers on his chest and head. He had a blood pressure cuff on his arm. He had scars on his head. He had a cast on his right arm and on his left leg. Todoroki texted, Izuku's mom, All Might, Mr. Aizawa, and all of class 1a to tell them Midoriya was awake. Bakugo opened the door slightly. "Can I come in?" He softly asked. "Of course you can." Midoriya said. Bakugo was crying. "I'm sorry Deku! I'm such a bad person. I don't know how I'm gonna be number 1 hero if I hurt you like that!" Then Kirishima came in. "Hi Midoriya it looks like your doing good." "Kirishima? Is it true that Kacchan told me to jump off of a tree?" "Yes." Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima said together. "Kacchan, I forgive you." "How? I almost killed you." "Because your my friend." "No I'm not." Bakugo said returning to his normal jerk self. All Might and Mr. Aizawa walked in. "How are you feeling, young Midoriya?" All Might asked in his low voice. "I can't feel anything." "They gave him some pain medicine." Todoroki said. "Are you two mad at me?" Midoriya asked. "No, why would we be mad?" Aizawa asked. "Are you mad at Bakugo?" "He has detention every day for two weeks." "Don't go to hard on him. He's actually sorry that he hurt me." "We'll give you some time to rest." Then Uraraka, Iida and Tsu came in. They visited the longest. Iida helped Midoriya and Todoroki get the notes from Today. Uraraka and Tsu talked to Midoriya for a long time. At around 8pm everyone left. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" Todoroki asked. "It's been a long day for you Izuku." "Yeah but it's probably been a really long 3 days for you." "Yep, but it's worth it knowing I get to be with you." Midoriya smiled. They ended up watching Harry Potter. Midoriya fell asleep during the second movie.
    Todoroki was starting to fall asleep. "You can't sleep Shoto. Midoriya could stop breathing during the night. I have to watch him even if a nurse comes in every hour." The nurse would take off the oxygen mask to see he still needed it. His oxygen level was still extremely low but it was somewhat normal with the mask on him. Todoroki felt reassured whenever the nurse would come in. The nurse always told him to get some sleep. Todoroki finally listened and took a 45 minute nap.
    Todoroki woke up at 7am. Today Midoriya could sit up on his own. His mom called to check on Midoriya who was sleeping. Todoroki told Inko, Midoriya's mom, that he was doing good. At around 11am Midoriya woke up. He was in a lot of pain. He was crying and screaming. When Todoroki asked if he was okay, he said he was fine. "That's Bullcrap Izuku. Your obviously not fine." Midoriya was in so much pain he could barely speak. Todoroki called for the nurse. "Don't bother her!" Midoriya yelled still in extreme pain. Todoroki ignored Midoriya's request. The nurse gave Midoriya some pain medicine. The next day Midoriya finally had his oxygen levels up without the mask. He could also finally eat and somewhat move his arms. The whole class came today to visit. Bakugo even brought him some candy. It reminded Todoroki of when he was sick and Izuku stayed with him. The whole class missed Midoriya. The nurse came in and requested to be alone with Midoriya.
    Everyone went to the cafeteria in the basement. They all got ice cream. Todoroki started to fall asleep. "You know you can get sleep. We can all take care of him." Uraraka said. Was Todoroki really gonna let the life of his boyfriend go into his classmates hands. "Thanks for the offer but no." "You have dark purple bags under your eyes." "I know." Todoroki fell asleep in the cafeteria. Todoroki got a text saying it was okay to come on now. Everyone decided that Todoroki needed sleep so the rest of the class came in. It didn't make Midoriya to happy. "Where's Shoto?" He yelled trying to get out of the hospital bed. Iida pinned him down. "He got stolen by the League of Villains." Bakugo joked, once again trying to lighten the mood. "He's in the cafeteria sleeping. He was really tired and out of it. You should let him sleep, he deserves it. Also you have us to hang out with." Ever since Todoroki and Deku got together they never were separated. Uraraka started to cry. "What's wrong?" Deku asked. "I know it sounds stupid but I've been jealous ever since you and Todoroki got together. Now I feel like you don't care about the rest of your friends." "Our best friend is in the hospital and you're crying because you're jealous!" Iida yelled waving his arms.
   Todoroki woke up in the cafeteria. He saw his phone and ran upstairs to the ICU. He walked into Deku's room. "I'm sorry I fell asleep. I was asleep for 3 hours. How come none of you woke me up?" Todoroki asked still tired and out of it. "It's okay Shoto. Get some more sleep." Everyone else is here so you can sleep. Midoriya pointed to the couch in the room. "Do you want us to leave so you can get some rest?" Iida asked. Todoroki was already asleep so everyone left. They agreed to come back tomorrow. Midoriya turned on the TV and fell asleep.
    The next morning Todoroki brought Midoriya breakfast. "How is it?" He asked. "It would've been better if you cooked it."Todoroki smiled. He was always happy around Midoriya. He wished he could be as happy as Midoriya. Midoriya and Todoroki played some board and card games. Midoriya didn't have a lot of wires connected to him so Todoroki could lay in the bed with Midoriya. The nurse came in and helped Midoriya walk. She said he might need help walking the next few days and recommended he doesn't go to school. She discharged Midoriya. Midoriya called his mom to pick up the boys.
   Inko pulled up to the front of the hospital. "Oh my God Izuku are you okay?" "Yes mom. Also I want you to meet Todoroki. He's my b-boyfriend."  "Nice to meet you Todoroki. Do you wanna stay the night at my house with Izuku. I can make us all dinner!" "Sure that would be nice." They all drove to the Midoriya house.

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