Chapter Ten (KiriBaku is in here)

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Long Chapter Nobody's POV
    Deku fell asleep on the common room couch. "I guess I'll stay with him for tonight," Todoroki thought. Then, all of a sudden, Bakugo and Kirishima walked downstairs. "Look weird hair! Deku is sleeping with his Icy Hot boyfriend. Look how gay they are." Bakugo did have a crush on Kirishima. Kirishima had a crush on Bakugo. Kirishima once asked Bakugo to be his boyfriend but he said he was heterosexual. Bakugo was actually bisexual but he didn't want nobody to know so he pretends to be homophobic.
  "There's nothing wrong with being gay," Kirishima said, putting his arm around Bakugo's neck. "Stop being weird!" Bakugo shouted. "If you were gay, we'd probably be dating." Kirishima suggested. Bakugo thought to himself. "This weird red head wouldn't care if I'm gay. I like him and he likes me. Icy Hot and Deku are already gay. The rest of these extras wouldn't give a crap." He pinned Kirishima to the wall and started kissing him. Kirishima kissed back. Todoroki who was still on the couch was smiling and Midoriya was still sleeping. "So are you two dating now?" Todoroki asked. "Shut up half and half!" Bakugo shouted from across the room. Denki, Mina, and Sero walked in. Todoroki informed them about the two friends kissing considering that they were Bakugo and Kirishima's friends.
   Todoroki soon fell asleep. He woke up and Midoriya was gone. Todoroki walked into the kitchen. He saw Midoriya making black coffee. "I thought he didn't like black coffee," Todoroki thought. Midoriya handed the mug to his boyfriend. "I thought you'd appreciate this." "Thanks Midoriya!" "By the way you can call me Izuku." "Call me Shoto."  It was Friday today. The day of the spring school dance. "Are you and Kiri gonna dance tonight?" Todoroki teased to Bakugo. "Shut up. Also only I can call him Kiri!" "Are you and Midoriya gonna dance tonight?" Kirishima asked Todoroki. "I'll only answer you if you're hot headed boyfriend answers me." The new couple walked away. "Shoto! We should start heading to school." "Izuku I still need to make you breakfast." "It's okay. I made myself scrambled eggs this morning. I wanted to give you a break." Todoroki smiled.
    Todoroki held Midoriya's hand the whole way to school. "Everyone looks happy today," Aizawa thought. Even Bakugo who was always angry or yelling at someone was smiling and seemed happy. Everyone was looking forward to the dance after school. It wasn't really going to be formal. It was going to be more of an after school hangout but with music. The day went by quick.
    After school the dance took place inside the common area and the courtyard. Everyone got changed and hung out in the common room. "We should play truth or dare outside," Uraraka suggested. Everyone there followed her outside including Bakugo. If Bakugo was coming this wasn't going to be good. He was probably going to dare Deku to do something stupid. "I'll start!" Kirishima said, smiling with his pointy shark teeth. "Bakugo truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to tell everyone that you kissed me." "Tch," he said. "Come on Bakubro you have to do it!" "Fine! But don't call me Bakubro! I kissed dumb hair. Deku truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to climb that tall tree." "Don't do it Midoriya! You're going to get hurt!" Iida shouted waving his arms around. "Come on you have to do it!" Bakugo said mocking Kirishima. "Kacchan is right Iida. I chose dare so I have to do it." "Bakugo why would you dare him to do this?" "I would've dared anyone to." Deku got to the top of the tree. Branches started to break and he had no way down. "Kacchan I can't get down!" He shouted. "Just jump! You damn nerd!" "Don't listen to him!" Iida shouted frantically waving his arms. Deku walked closer to the edge of the branch he was standing on. "You're going to regret this!" "No he won't four eyes. I'm sure the little nerd will be fine." "Jump Izuku I'll catch you." Deku knew that there was a high risk of Todoroki not catching him. "That damn nerd is just gonna break his arm." Deku jumped. "Shoto! Catch me!" He closed his eyes. He opened them again getting closer to the ground. At the top of the tree everyone was like ants. Now they were normal people. Todoroki tried catching Midoriya but he couldn't. He landed on the ground. "Izuku!" Todoroki said crying. He hasn't cried in a long time. "Izuku! Wake up. You better not be joking. Izuku Midoriya! You better get up right now." "Dude I think he's unconscious." Kirishima replied. Todoroki looked at Bakugo. "This is your fault. I know you hate him but you made him basically kill himself. How would you feel if that was Kirishima jumping from that tree!" "Shut up. We were just playing a game." "I'm aware of that. I'm also aware the Izuku could be dead." Todoroki was a person who was okay with Bakugo. He just wasn't okay with Bakugo being mean to Izuku. "It's your fault for not catching him," Bakugo said. That made Todoroki think. "He would be conscious if I caught him. I'm so stupid. I killed him." Todoroki sat next to Midoriya's unconscious body and cried. "Somebody tell Aizawa!" Todoroki shouted while screaming. Everyone ran inside to get Aizawa. "He's probably dead! It's all my fault I couldn't catch him!" Todoroki said to Aizawa. "It's not your fault everyone makes mistake," Aizawa said trying to comfort Todoroki. "I don't think Recovery Girl can heal him. He probably has to go to a hospital." Aizawa called an ambulance. The whole class besides Bakugo stood around Todoroki and Midoriya, reassuring Todoroki that Midoriya would be fine. "How do you know that he's gonna be fine!" Todoroki shouted. "It should've been me jumping not him! I didn't do anything to stop him. I'm such a bad boyfriend." "If it should've been you up there then you climb up there!" Bakugo said trying to lighten the mood. "Shut up. If I was up there Izuku would've saved me! You don't know how I feel!" Todoroki went up to Bakugo and punched him in the face.
     After what felt like forever the ambulance finally came. They loaded Midoriya in there. "Can I come? I'm his boyfriend." Todoroki asked. "Sure. I'm sure he'll appreciate you being there when if he wakes up." "IF he wakes up! So he might not wake up!" The paramedic put EKG stickers on Izuku. "His heart is beating and he is breathing. His heart rate is dangerously low and same with is oxygen level." "What if he stops breathing?" "You need to stop worrying. Right now your boyfriend is fine." The drive to the hospital seamed long. The paramedics rushed him into a hospital room in the intensive care unit. They put an oxygen mask on him and put an IV in his arm. A few minutes later a doctor came in and took him into another room. Todoroki stopped him. "Where is he going?" "He's getting a cat scan." "Do they think somethings wrong with his brain?" Todoroki asked. That was a stupid question. He was unconscious so there had to be something wrong. "Listen kid. This scan is urgent and needs to be done so stop distracting me!" "I'm a bad boyfriend and a distraction," Todoroki thought. "It's all my fault that Izuku is here. I'm a worse person than Bakugo. Maybe I shouldn't be a hero. I'd be a better villain." That cat scan only took 10 minutes. "What did they find?" Todoroki said worryingly. "We don't know yet. The radiologist is going to take a look at the pictures from the scan." "Okay. Can we be alone for a few minutes?" The doctor left the two boys alone. Izuku was still unconscious. Todoroki grabbed his hand and sat at the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry! It's all my fault. I'm the worst person ever." There was a knock on the door.
   All of class 1a was there except for Bakugo. "Why are you here?" Todoroki questioned. "To see if our friend is okay. Well is he?" Uraraka asked. "He's not awake yet, but he's alive. I'm sorry about what I did to your friend." "It was an accident and not your fault. It's all Bakugo's fault." "Where is Bakugo anyways?" "He said he didn't want to come." "Also if it's his fault he should apologize." Todoroki specifically looked at Kirishima. "I tried making him apologize. After a lot of convincing he finally said he was sorry." "But did he mean it?" "He said he felt like a terrible person and actually kinda started to cry. He also said none of it's your fault."
   Then there were loud footsteps. It was Bakugo. "Move out of the way extras!" Bakugo ran into the room. "Icy Hot! It's not your fault. I felt bad earlier and I wanted to blame it on you. I'm sorry I did this to Deku, even if he's an annoying little nerd. I know I did it because I hate him I didn't expect the tree branches to break giving him no way to come down." He hugged Todoroki with tears rolling down his face. "I know I'm gonna be number one hero and it wasn't very heroic of me to hurt him." "Sorry I punched you. It looks like you have a black eye." "Shut up Icy Hot. I don't care about my damn eye." The whole class stayed for a few hours until it got late. "We should go back to our dorms?" Iida said everyone walked out. "Come on Todoroki." "No! I'm staying!" "He's gonna be unconscious for a few days." "I don't care. I'm gonna stay right next to him for the rest of his life!" Everyone left. The doctor walked in. "Shouldn't you be heading home little boy?" Little boy? What the hell? He was 16. Deku's mom came by and so did All Might and Mr. Aizawa. The days when Midoriya was unconscious were long.

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