Chapter Eight (Todoroki POV)

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    Midoriya and I walked to class together. Today I was going to come out to him and confess my feelings about him. We had plans to go to the park after school. I already accepted the fact that he might not like me back. The school day went by slowly. During the last hour of school I started to get a panic attack. I was getting nervous. Nobody knows that I'm gay. After school Midoriya and I walked to the park. "There's um something I wanna tell you. I don't know if you still wanna be my friend after this." "I'll always be your friend." "Okay. Here goes nothing. I'm um gay." Midoriya smiled and hugged me. "There's something else." I said. "I think you're an amazing, nice and cool friend. I really like you. Will you be m-my." I paused right there. I never stutterd before. Without continuing my sentence Midoriya said yes. He then said he had to do homework so we both walked back to the dorms together. I grabbed a pencil and my diary.
   Dear Diary
       I asked Midoriya out and he said yes. Honestly, I'm not surprised he accepted me as being gay. I am surprised though that he is now my boyfriend. I feel relieved now that  I came out to him. He's the only person who I know that would support me. Maybe Uraraka would but I don't know.
     Tonight I finally got some good sleep. I got at least 8 hours and usually I get 4 or less. I went downstairs to the common room and made pancakes. I decided it would be nice to surprise Midoriya. I saw him enter the common room. "Good morning!" I said. "I made you some pancakes." "Thanks Todoroki! You didn't have to make me any though." "Nah, I wanted to make you happy." "Do you want me to make dinner tonight?" "No, you don't have to." "No? I wanna make you happy!" Midoriya and I spent the morning arguing over who's going to make dinner tonight. We finally agreed that I would make them. Both of us knew that Midoriya would of burnt down the whole building anyways. But, I appreciate him wanting to do something for me.
   After school Midoriya and I went to go get ice cream. He of course got mint which is his favorite flavor. I got a combination of strawberry and vanilla. Then we hung out at the park for a few hours. When the sun started to set me and Midoriya decided to head back to the common room to eat dinner.
   "What should we have for dinner?" I asked as we walked to the common room. "I love spaghetti." "Okay, I'll try and make it." When we got back I started to boil the water. "Does your mom know that you're gay?" I asked. "Actually I'm pan. But, yes she knows and she supports me." "That's good. Endeavor would kill me if he knew I was gay. He's homophobic." "I don't understand why people are homophobic." "Neither do I." Once the water was boiled I added in the noodles. I wanted to change the subject of homophobia even though I started the conversation. Midoriya's phone buzzed. He got a text from Uraraka, who didn't know him and I were dating. It's pretty obvious that she likes Midoriya. "I gotta meat Uraraka at her dorm, I'll be right back!" Midoriya said. "She better not steal my boyfriend," I thought.

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