Chapter Thirteen

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    Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima got downstairs. Todoroki's heart was racing. "I'm scared. What if he hates me?" Todoroki asked. "The damn nerd was looking for you earlier." Bakugo said. Midoriya was sitting on the couch watching TV with Uraraka. "What if he left me for Uraraka?" Bakugo and Kirishima both remembered what Uraraka said when Midoriya was in the hospital. They both wouldn't be surprised. "Can you two go out there first?" Todoroki asked. Kirishima walked out there with Bakugo right behind him. "Hi Kirishima. Hi Kacchan. Where's Shoto at?" Midoriya still seemed upset that his boyfriend ran off. "Is he okay? I understand why he'd run away. He told me he kept getting flashbacks." "Yeah um he's okay. Do you still want to be his boyfriend?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah. Of course I do." Todoroki heard that and ran out from the elevator and hugged Midoriya. He stopped seeing Midoriya in the hospital. He saw his smiling, adorable boyfriend. Bakugo and Kirishima left the couple alone.
-Time skip to Monday morning-
   Todoroki woke up on the couch with Midoriya still sleeping on his lap. It was early. Midoriya had planned on going to school. He still had an hour of sleep. Todoroki ran his fingers through Midoriya's green, curly hair. Midoriya woke up a few times in the night. Todoroki had to get him water at 2am. At around 4am Todoroki helped Midoriya walk to the bathroom. It was now 7am. Todoroki lightly tapped Midoriya shoulder. He smiled. "Izuku? Do you feel like going to school today?" Midoriya loved school. He was excited to go back after missing a week.
    Todoroki helped Midoriya put his uniform on. Then, he made Midoriya pancakes. It's been a long time since he got to make his boyfriend breakfast. Midoriya grabbed his crutches and Todoroki and him walked to school. When Midoriya sat down everyone gathered around him. Nobody was expecting him to be at school so soon. Aizawa had excused the two boys for the rest of the week.
     Todoroki grabbed another chair. He put it in front of Midoriya's desk. "You need to elevate your foot." Since Todoroki sat next to Midoriya they held each other's hand. At lunch the Dekusquad sat together. Midoriya and Todoroki were still holding hands. "Why are you so attached to him, Deku?" Uraraka asked. "Well um, because he's my boyfriend." He thought about how jealous Uraraka had been. "I can't let him get hurt." Todoroki said gripping his hand tighter.
      After school Todoroki and Midoriya walked to the common room. Midoriya sat down on the couch, choosing a TV channel to watch while Todoroki was in the kitchen. "Would you like a snack, Izuku?" "Uh sure, Shoto." "What do you want?" "I'll probably just have an apple." Todoroki lightly tossed an apple to his boyfriend who caught it.
    Bakugo and Kirishima came downstairs. Bakugo was getting back to being a jerk. "Move it nerd!" He said as he shoved Midoriya who was sitting on the couch. Bakugo sat down and took the remote from Midoriya. "He was watching that!" Todoroki shouted from the kitchen. "I don't care what the damn nerd was watching." "Give the remote back to Midoriya!" Kirishima said. Bakugo only gave Midoriya the remote back because his boyfriend told him too. "You can have it, Kacchan." Todoroki made some ramen and sat down on the arm of the couch to eat it. Iida came rushing in. "Don't sit there you're going to break the couch!" He was waving his arms up and down. He then adjusted his glasses. He saw Todoroki ignore him so he pushed him off. "You wanna go to my dorm?" Midoriya suggested. "There's nothing to do down here besides watch Kacchan and Kirishima make out." "I'm gonna blast your head off Deku!" Bakugo yelled. Todoroki and Midoriya got into the elevator. "I heard you and Bakugo used to be childhood friends." Todoroki said, trying to start a conversation. "Yeah." Midoriya said. "What happened between you too?" "When we were four he got his quirk before I had gotten mine and he kept bullying me for some reason. I still don't know why he does." "Interesting."
   They got up to the floor of Midoriya's dorm. Midoriya unbuttoned his uniform and took it off. He grabbed a T-shirt and a hoodie and put it on. He couldn't really change his pants because of the cast. Todoroki had helped him in the morning. They finally managed to take Midoriya's pants off. Todoroki helped him put some sweatpants on. Todoroki ran to his dorm and changed. When he got back he noticed Midoriya was shivering. He had opened his window this morning and forgot to close it. Also because of his broken arm he spilled water on himself. The cold outdoor air was blowing on him. "Do you need to change?" Todoroki said. "Nah I'm fine it'll dry. I'm just freezing." Todoroki closed the window. He grabbed Midoriya some blankets. He then went downstairs to the kitchen. He came back up with a mug. "It's tea. I don't know if you like tea, but it's good for you." Midoriya took a sip and burned his tongue. "Oops. Sorry I didn't warn you that it's hot." "Sho. Do you think cuddling will help me warm up?" "Of course it will. I should've thought of that earlier." They both fell asleep. At around midnight Midoriya woke up feeling nauseous. Todoroki set a trash can by the bed. "Since you probably wouldn't be able to make it to the bathroom." Midoriya nodded. He then put his head down over the trash can and puked. Midoriya was still soaked by the water. The cold water probably made him sick. He fell back asleep but woke up every at least thirty minutes to puke. Todoroki walked to the pharmacy at 2am. He bought some Pepto Bismol. He got back at around 2:30am. "Izuku baby, I brought some medicine." "My head hurts too." Midoriya said, laying in bed, with his eyes shut. "I feel dizzy and hear a ringing in my ears." Midoriya started to pant. "Should we go back to the hospital. It could be from your concussion, but it also sounds like a typical migraine." "I won't be able to get up." Midoriya said softly. "Can we go to sleep now? Talking is making me even more dizzy." Todoroki was worried so while Midoriya was sleeping he called Recovery Girl. She said it was just a migraine. The two boys slept in till noon. "How do you feel Izuku?" Todoroki asked running his fingers through his hair. "B-better. My headache mostly went away. I don't feel nauseous. I'm not dizzy." "That's good Izuku. We can stay here an cuddle. But your still soaked. You should take shower and change." Midoriya stripped off his clothes and got into the shower. After he got out of the shower he got dressed and noticed Todoroki missing. "I made myself some soba and black coffee. I don't know what you feel like eating so I brought you a muffin and some chocolate milk." A low voice said.l, obviously Todoroki. "Thanks Sho!" "Anything for my Izuku!" They watched movies and played video games. Izuku felt better so they went to school the next day.
     Uraraka said she was planning on hosting a game night after school in the common room. Midoriya and Todoroki agreed to come.

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