Chapter Twelve

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   Izuku planned to stay home today and tomorrow and go to school on Monday. He had a broken leg and a broken arm. At home Inko made the two boys dinner. "What's your favorite food?" Inko asked Todoroki. "Soba." A few minutes later she called the boys to the table and handed them the bowls of soba. After eating Izuku decided to show Todoroki his room. "Wow. There's alot of all might stuff!" "Yep. I'm probably his biggest fan." "And his secret love child." Todoroki joked. Izuku lightly slapped Todoroki. Todoroki took one of Izuku's all might pillows and hit him with it. They continued to have the pillow fight for an hour. Then, they both laid down on Izuku's bed. Izuku fell asleep and Todoroki was scrolling through his phone. Eventually Todoroki fell asleep and got a good amount of sleep.
     When the two boys woke up, Inko made them breakfast. She then drove them to the dorms. Izuku wanted to see all of his friends. They watched movies and played video games all day. After school, everyone hung out with Todoroki and Midoriya. Bakugo still hated Midoriya but he could actually stand him. When it was getting late almost everyone headed back to the dorms. Todoroki and Uraraka stayed with Midoriya. "What movie should we watch?" Midoriya asked. "A horror movie." Todoroki suggested. "If we watch that I'll be up all night!" They all finally agreed to watch Star Wars. Midoriya fell asleep on Todoroki's lap. Ever since Midoriya jumped off a tree, Todoroki never left his side. Mostly because he loved Midoriya but also so he doesn't do anything stupid. Todoroki started getting flashbacks about last Friday. He heard Midoriya's voice saying, "Kacchan is right Iida. I chose dare so I have to do it." He also heard Midoriya yelling "Shoto!" while he was falling. Part of him still felt like it was his fault. Even Bakugo told him it wasn't Todoroki's fault. Bakugo would be the last person in the class to apologise. Todoroki started getting image's in his head. He saw Izuku laying in the hospital bed with an oxygen mask and a bunch of wires connected to him. Tears rolled down Todoroki's face. He grabbed Midoriya's hand a told himself he would never let Midoriya do anything dangerous or stupid. He finally fell asleep.
    It was about noon on Saturday when Todoroki woke up. Midoriya was still sleeping. "This child sleeps a lot," Todoroki thought. Todoroki didn't wake him up though. He's been through a lot he should get some rest. Todoroki couldn't get up though considering Midoriya was on his lap. He didn't wake up until about 2pm. Todoroki asked what Midoriya wanted for lunch. "You shouldn't make me lunch!" Midoriya shouted. "I'm taking up to much of your time! I don't deserve you! Why are you so nice to me?" Midoriya was  crying. Todoroki ran his fingers through his green hair. "You can barely walk or do anything by yourself. I don't want you to get hurt anymore Izuku. I'm scared I'm gonna lose you." "I know Shoto but you also have to take time to care for yourself." Todoroki kissed Midoriya's cheek and hugged him tightly. Todoroki still got flashbacks about the incident. Tears rushed down his face. "Sho, why are you crying?" Midoriya asked. "I'm h-having flashbacks about the s-school d-dance. And when B-Bakugo told you to j-jump off the t-t-tree." Midoriya cut him off. "Sho. Let's just forget that ever happened." Todoroki couldn't forget. He probably had PTSD from it. He could vividly remember every detail. "I'll t-try." He looked down at Deku's broken leg and at his broken arm. He ran into his dorm without saying anything and locked the door. There was a knock. "Come on Icy Hot! Let me in!" It was Bakugo. Todoroki's eyes were red and puffy. It was very obvious that he was crying. Todoroki opened the door. "I'm not the type of guy to help with people's emotions but I saw Deku alone crying. He told me to ask you about this." "It's not your fault Bakugo. It's mine." "Damn it Icy Hot. I told you it wasn't your fault." Todoroki heard Bakugo's voice in the flashback. He seemed serious when he told Deku to jump. Kirishima was behind Bakugo. "Hey man, if you need anything you can call me." He said. Todoroki looked up and gave a slight smile. He finally said, "I keep having these f-flashbacks about the situation. I keep hearing his voice screaming my name when he was f-falling. I keep seeing i-images of him in the hospital." "It's only been a week since it happened. I'm sure you'll get over it." "Every time I see Midoriya, I see him unconscious." Todoroki looked at Kirishima and heard the words, "Dude, I think he's unconscious." He heard Bakugo say, "It's your fault for not catching him." The two boys sat down on Todoroki's bed. They tried distracting Todoroki from the whole situation. After a few hours they decided to check on Midoriya. "Hey Todoroki. Do you wanna come with us?" Kirishima asked. Todoroki agreed. He was scared Midoriya would mad though. "Sho, just forget that ever happened." Those words repeated in his head for what seemed like a very long elevator ride downstairs.

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