Chapter Fourteen (End)

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   After school Uraraka set up the common room/living room for game night. At 4pm everyone came down. The whole class was there. They all voted on what game to play. They decided on Uno. Uraraka started. She put down a green six. Then Midoriya placed a green nine. Todoroki put down a green eight. The game went on for a long time. Of someone had two cards left someone would put a draw four card down. Someone was about to win when there was a tornado warning. Mr. Aizawa who was down in the common room rushed everyone down to the basement that nobody knew about. Once they were downstairs, Mr. Aizawa got into his sleeping bag to take a nap. Midoriya hugged Todoroki. He had tears rushing down his face. "Sho. I'm scared." Tornado's are very rare in Japan. "Izuku. It'll be okay." Todoroki grabbed Midoriya's hand and kissed it. The rest of the class was being crackheads until Iida stopped them. "This is a dangerous situation. You must stay still. We will be here overnight. There's sleeping bags and food in the emergency closet." The whole class ran into the emergency closet. Todoroki ran to get stuff for Midoriya. "You wanna share a sleeping bag?" Todoroki asked. "Yeah." The class was about to eat the snacks in there, considering they hadn't had dinner yet. Iida stopped them. "Wehk pop have to save the food and not eat all of it!" Everyone was bored because they all left their phones in their dorms. Todoroki and Midoriya shared some dry ramen. Afterwards they went to sleep. Everyone knew about their relationship so it wasn't a big deal. Girls were screaming when they saw the couple sleep together. They got even louder when they saw Kirishima and Bakugo. It was 5am and Aizawa woke up and informed the class that the tornado was gone. He tried opening the basement door when it was locked. He reached in his pocket for the key when it wasn't there. "Are we stuck?" Half the class shouted. "It's going to be okay!" Iida shouted doing his weird arm thing. He opened the closet that was supposed to have food but it was empty. So, now the class was gonna be stuck in there for nobody knows how long and there's no food. "What if we broke out of here." Todoroki suggested. Everyone agreed it was a good idea. The door was made out of steel and it was going to be hard to destroy.
      "Bakugo! Create an explosion." Todoroki said. "Don't tell me what to do Icy Hot!" He said as he blasted the door. It didn't work. "Damn it!" He shouted. "I'll try to use my fire to burn it down." Todoroki said. It once again didn't work. "Kirishima try using your hardening and punch the door." The door, once again did not take any damage. "Izuku, use your quirk and try punching the door." It didn't work. "Y'all are stupid." Mina said. "I can just use my acid quirk and dissolve it." "Oh yeah. I forgot about your quirk." The door actually took damage and dissolved. Everyone ran out. By this time it was around noon. Most of the class was starving. Iida and Uraraka made lunch for everyone. They barbequed hamburgers and hotdogs.
Deku POV:
   I'm glad that I'm dating Shoto. It's obvious all the girls have crushes on him and he chose me over them. Ever since the sports festival I always had a little crush on Shoto and I never admitted it. I've always been straight, as I had a crush on Uraraka at the beginning of the school year, but Shoto changed that. He's made me happier. I really don't deserve him. He thought when I jumped off the tree it was his fault, but everyone makes mistakes. It is kinda my fault for listening to Kacchan.
   Shoto was eating his hamburger. He looks so cute. Even when he eats. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I kissed his hand. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too, Shoto."
Todoroki POV:
   I still can't believe that Izuku said yes. I've always been depressed about my dad and Izuku has made me happy. This is my first relationship I've ever been in and I didn't know what to expect. I never want to lose Izuku and if I do it'll probably be my fault. It's also pretty obvious Uraraka likes him. He chose me over her. Also, Izuku says I do too much for him, but it's worth it seeing his cute smile on his face.
   My dad found out I was gay. Now when he makes me train with him he makes me do more. My mom and my siblings are supportive of me. Same with Izuku's mom. Izuku finally met my mom and my siblings.
Nobody POV:
  It was a few weeks later. Mr. Aizawa walked into class and told everyone to sit down and shut up. It was the end of the school year. "During the summer our class is going on a vacation." Mr. Aizawa said. The class started talking again. They were talking about where they hoped they were going. Someone asked where the class was going. "If you don't shut up I won't tell you." The class became silent. "We're going to Hawaii for the whole summer. I emailed all of your parents and they all let you come." Midoriya and Todoroki looked at each other. After school they ran to the dorms and began to pack, even though the trip wasn't for another week. Everyone was excited to go. Everyday until the trip, everyone talked about what they were gonna do in Hawaii. Groups of people went shopping together to get prepared. Midoriya told Todoroki that he called the window seat on the plane both ways. Todoroki agreed and sadly accepted the middle seat. Waiting for the trip felt forever. Then the day finally came. Midoriya's phone alarm went off. Of course it was All Might's voice. Todoroki turned off the alarm for Midoriya. Mr. Aizawa told the class to wake up at 4am. They would leave at 4:30am and get to the airport at 5am and they're flight would leave at 6am. Todoroki brushed Midoriya's green, curly hair. "Wake up Izuku. It's the day you've been waiting for." Todoroki said softly. Midoriya smiled and slowly sat up. They both got dressed and went to the common room. Todoroki made Midoriya pancakes. It had been a month since he's done that. Aizawa annocecd that the class would be getting on the bus. The bus drove to the airport. They went through security and got on the plane. Class 1a started their very interesting vacation in Hawaii.

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