Chapter 15

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There is a food festival today and I am so excited. Also, Show Dem Camp my favourite alte gang musicians will be there.

I walked into the room from the bathroom to find out I missed a call from AbdulJalal. Speaking of AbdulJalal, we have been communicating since the day after the party. I don't know what we are doing but I know we are getting to know each other and things have been going on smoothly. I wonder where it will all end. He came back to town yesterday from his travel.

"Hey, I missed your call," I said into the phone after he picked the call.

"Yeah, I sent you a message and didn't get a reply, hence the call." He said.

"I was in the bathroom, what's up?"

"Remember how I said I wanted to talk to you about something when I get back," he asked.

"Ermm, yeah."

"Are you free today? So, we can talk over dinner?" he asked.

My heart skipped a beat, is this man asking me out on a date.

"Uhmm, I would love to but I have plans. Going for a food fest with my friends and their children in a few hours. And I will be there till late in the night because I don't want to miss the performance of my favourite musicians " I said.

"Ooops, alright then, we can reschedule," he said sounding disappointed.

"But, you can come through. My friends and their families will probably leave by 6 and I will be left alone," I tried to make it up to him.

"Sounds like a plan, will be there by 5, does that work for you?" he asked, his voice picking up.

"Sure, I will see you then. It is in city park."

My initial plan was to wear sweat pants, a basic shirt and a denim jacket for the food fest because I was going there to eat, but now that this man is coming, the urge to dress up has built up in my mind.

"Salima, what is wrong with you?" I asked myself

I ended up wearing a long sleeve sundress and carried my denim jacket in case it gets cold.

The food fest was fun, Khadijah and her children couldn't make it. I was stuck with Karima and her kids. The kids and I had so much fun and ate so much. I don't think it is fair that adults are not allowed to get on a bouncy castle because I wanted to get on it so bad with the kids. Shout out to her husband for giving his wife his card for the kids to have fun. As far as I am concerned I was one of their child and Karima paid for all our food, drinks and souvenirs. If it was her card that woman would have given us a limit. Anyways they left about an hour ago and I am still here because SDC are yet to perform and AbdulJalal was coming.

"Hello, yeah, just walk towards the makeshift huts, I am sitting in the third one," I spoke into the phone.

I am nervous and I have no idea why. I adjusted my scarf and continued scrolling on my phone, so he doesn't think I sat down waiting for him. 

So, I am not a  teenager and i think I have figured out that AbdulJalal probably likes me but then again men can disgrace you, it might just him being nice. Therefore, no jumping to any conclusion until he opens his mouth and says something to me. Until then I will keep wasting my time and ride this wave because if we are being honest I do enjoy his company. 

"Hello Salima," he slightly waved and sat down opposite me.

"Hey you," I smiled. You know that feeling when you are trying so hard not to over smile? That was my present dilemma.

"God save me from embarrassing my ancestors in front of this man," I prayed.

"Did you say something," he asked.

"Nope, how was your trip?" I tried to break the ice.

"It was good, it felt good to be home around my family but I am glad I am back in Abuja. I have always loved Abuja and I am loving it now because it has someone I want," he finished.

"That is nice. So, your whole family is in Kaduna?" I asked trying to not pay attention to his last statement.

"Nope, my older sister lives here. She was at the fair, Zee's chops."

"Your sister is Zee's chops?" I asked while opening my eyes.

"Yeah! You know her?"

"Guy everyone knows her and her succulent peppered chicken and amazing small chops. She is a big deal for those of us that love food."

"Okay, I just met her on the way out, they were packing up their tent. Do you want to go say hi?" he asked.

"Nope, you can extend my love to her though. She is doing good," I added.

"Okay, so, Show Dem Cap, yeah?" he asked

"The absolute best, I am so excited to finally attend their show,"

"I can see that, you look excited. I know just a few of their songs but with that excitement on your face, I am ready to be a good student. Tell me about your favourite song.

That opened my mouth. I went on and on and on about my favourite song. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy AbdulJalal's company, it is so easy to speak to him. He doesn't just hear you, he listens and gives you his full concentration. Which can be a bit distracting because he has a beautiful smile but ultimately he is a good company.

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