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Nothing prepares you for this type of terrible situation. I used to be that person that always thought about the worse in things before embarking on it. Concerning my relationship with AbdulJalal, the worst I thought that could happen was a break-up, I will be heart-broken for a few months and then pick up myself and life continues.

However, a few days to our elders meeting for my hand in marriage to be asked, this bombshell is about to blast all our hopes and dreams.

"Innalilahi wa ina ilahi rajiun (From God we are and unto him, we shall return)" was what Jay kept chanting with his head between his hands.

"Abdu......lja....lal, I can't breathe" I tried voicing. I was having a panic attack, my chest was pounding, it felt like my heart was going to bust out. I was feeling light-headed and slipping into oblivion.

AbdulJalal quickly got out of his car and came to my side of the car.

"Lee! I need you to focus on me, breathe in and breathe out slowly," he tried calming me down.

Luckily for me, there is a lavender flower in the compound. Jay dashed to it and plucked out a few and helped me in breathing into it. The breathing exercise and the lavender helped me to regain a bit of calmness.

He helped me back into the house and got the house help to make me some chamomile tea.

"What happened to her?" my mother asked after coming into the living room.

"She had a panic attack," he replied after exchanging a quick greeting with her.

"She hasn't had one of those in a few years, what triggered it?" she gave him a pointed look.

"Ermmm, mummy I am afraid we found out we were both AS," he ended with a downcast look.

"What? You have got to be kidding me." She exclaimed.

The house help brought in the tea and all attention turned to me. There was a disturbing silence in the room as they watch me drink my tea. The type of silence that is filled with fear and uncertainty.

"AbdulJalal, you should go home, it is late. Tomorrow is another day to decide what to do," my mother suggested.

"Alright Mummy, I will leave now. Goodnight," he stood up from the chair and walked out.

Few minutes after he walked out, he didn't start his car. Mummy made the move to go check if there was a problem when my phone beeped simultaneously with the starting of his car.

He sent me a message that read, "I am so scared Lee, I have no idea what we can do or where we will go from here. The coming weeks will either make or break us but I want you to remember that I love you."

That message broke the camel's back and I crawled into my mother's laps and started sobbing.

Mummy just hugged me and drew soothing circles on my back. From time to time I could hear her sigh. It is going to be a long night.  

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