Chapter 31

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Hello Guys. 

I know I have been awol. I am sorry, life happened and it keeps happening. I hope the series of chapters I will be updating today would be enough to make you smile. Once again, I am sorry.

"What is this about Salima?" asked my Dad as he sat down on the couch.

I told my parents I wanted to speak to them concerning an urgent matter. It has been three months, since our first doctor's appointment. We have gone to several hospitals after that for second opinions and we were told the same thing. 'Don't get married.'

To be honest, I don't even know why we keep going to see these doctors, we already know what the answers will be. I mean there is no grey area, this situation is as clear as the black and white colour. But I guess this is what love does to you, you struggle to find it in hopeless places.

"So, AbdulJalal and I have decided to go ahead and get married," I whispered with my eyes downcast.

"You are joking, right?" asked my Dad.

I didn't have the courage to answer, so, I shook my head.

"Open your mouth and speak to me young woman," Dad raised his voice.

"No, we have decided to risk it," I said.

"I hope you know that I am not going to give your hand in marriage to him?" he said and stood up to take his leave.

"Dad please, listen to me first." I pleaded

Mum was sitting through all that exchange with her hands on her chin and didn't utter a word.

His face hardened and you could see the turmoil on his face trying to decide if he should sit down or walk out. He sat down after a while.

"We have weighed all our options and we have decided to freeze my eggs for a while until we have enough funds for a bone marrow transplant and then we can attempt having kids," I said.

"You really made me sit down for this?" he asked looking pointedly in the eyes.

"Don't ever call me to waste my time again. Is AbdulJalal the only man on earth? Or does your life ends with him? Don't be stupid Salima, do not try to cheat your way out of this. Everything has shown you reasons why you two shouldn't be together, listen to those reasons and avoid making decisions you will regret." He finished and walked out.

I just stared after the door that was swinging from the way he banged it. I didn't have it in me again to cry, I just know that I am determined and it might take time but no one will stop this marriage.

"Salima, I really don't know why you want to put yourself through this. I understand what it means for you to love someone but it is not enough to make irrational decisions. AbdulJalal is not the only man on earth, you should find another one. I know how you think but everything has a consequence and that includes the eggs you are planning on freezing. We love you but in this issue, we won't take your side. Find another man and if you can't stay home with us. Marriage is not the only way to get into Jannah and that is the ultimate goal of living as a Muslim." My mom said all of those heavy words with a soft voice.

The combination of those words with her voice felt like using your bare hands to touch a lump of coal that hasn't been in the fire for long. Still retaining its colour of being black might have you thinking it is not hot but that doesn't stop it from stinging. However, if the ultimate goal is picking up the coal, you will find a way. I have a goal and I will find a way.

I remain on the couch with my thought for hours before my phone jerked me out of it.

"Babe," I said.

"I guess it didn't go well?"

"Yeah, they blatantly refused. How did it go from your side?"

"They didn't even give me an audience. The moment I told mummy I wanted to speak to them, she said I shouldn't even think about it, there is nothing to talk about." He added sounding dejected.

"I am not relenting sha, I will try again until they come around."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" he asked sounding very unsure.

"We will never know if we don't try," I replied.

I really hope my determination brings forth something good.

Convincing our parents took six months, a lot of consultation including being sent abroad to see a doctor before they finally gave their blessing

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