Soulmate Au Explanation

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Hello lovely reader!

Thank you so much for selecting my Klance fanfiction, and I hope you grow to love it as much I as have!

So before we begin you should know the basics of how this Au works.

Everyone has something called a 'Song Tether', only them and their soulmate share this tether.

What's a Song Tether?


Basically, it's like in those musicals when the Mc is singing and then their love interest(who's in a different place) does the same. It doesn't matter where you are but if your soulmate is singing a song, you will be too. Of course, you have control over how loud you sing it, but that's about it. Nobody can stop themselves from singing until them and their soulmate have accepted each other's love. When you or your soulmate is humming a song, the only thing that happens is that you get it stuck in your head. You won't be forced to sing it, it'll just pop up every now and then in your mind.

How do you know who your soulmate is?


There are tons of ways to find this out. Some people go to great lengths of writing their own original songs to draw their soulmate out. But when you and your soulmate touch for the first time you hear a melody play in your head, only you and your soulmate know this melody. And when you and your soulmate start falling in love with each other pieces of that melody start forming into a song that only you and your soulmate know.

Extra Shit I Guess


When you guys are like together and stuff, In a relationship, you can control if you want to sing or not.

I believe that's it, again thank you so much for choosing this book lovely reader! If you have any questions let me know in the comments or Pm me!!!

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