First Dates And Cliffhangers Cause Plot!(Chapter 14)

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~Third Person P.O.V~

*Time Skip To Friday*

It was around three in the morning when Lance woke up, nobody was there to help him go back to sleep, he was alone. But he just needed to last a few more hours, than he'd be able to enjoy the warm embrace Keith always gave him.

Just a few more hours.

So he did what he had to, to pass time. Watched Netflix, raided the fridge, cried a little, talked to himself in the mirror, have a mental breakdown, then watch some more Netflix.

Normal things.

Eventually, the alarm he had set for himself went off, and so thus he began getting ready. Pulling on his favorite baseball tee and brown jacket, stuffing Keith's hoodie- which he stole from him- in his backpack. Slinging the bag over his shoulder he runs downstairs, everybody already up and prepared to begin the day.

"Mijo! ¿A donde vas, cariño?" Rosa asked, slightly hurt that he didn't seem to want to have breakfast with them. 'Son! Where are you going honey?'

Lance stiffened, just wanting to hurry up and leave. After everything happened, memories from a few years ago began resurfacing, memories that he didn't want there. It sure as hell didn't help with his father sitting right there, his face holding no emotion as if he didn't completely mentally fucked Lance's mind up.

"School. I have to be there early to talk to a few teachers about some assignments." That wasn't a lie, he was a week behind on work and needed to get started.

"You sure you don't wanna eat before you go?" She shot back, taking notice of the bags under his eyes, they seemed to have gotten worse as soon as he came back.


With that, he walked out the door swiftly shutting it behind him, the old hinges creaked and croaked- scaring the crap out of the tired boy.

He had a good ten-minute walk ahead of him, just enough to help him stay awake for a good hour or two.


The day seemed to drag out while he was in classes, barely being able to keep a straight focus. (A gay focus might help XD)

He was currently at his locker, Pidge and Allura chatting up a storm with each other more than with him. They had just figured out they were soulmates a little over a month ago (Trying out a new ship what y'all think?) and for now just decided to continue to be friends, I repeat for now.

"Hey, there's your boy toy Lancey!" Allura giggled, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Lance perked up, instantly spotting Keith in the crowd of people- he had intended to give him back the hoodie he borrowed, but Keith already seemed to be preoccupied with another...Lance's hoodie to be exact. The one he let Keith wear in San Fransisco.

'Fuck that's cute.'

It was oversized on him- to be fair it was over-sized on Lance as well but...oversized clothes on Keith? The best fucking thing in Lance's world.

"Sup McClain, lady, non-binary royalty." He greeted all of them, Pidge wearing a cheeky grin- mentally noting the whole 'Non-binary royalty' bit.

"Hey Keith! Say, is that Lance's hoodie?" Allura asked fake-innocently, a teasing smirk on her face while she side glanced Lance.

Keith blushed, scratching his ear. "Yeah...sorry I couldn't find my jacket and- and I still had this because I never gave it back- and then you have my hoodie so I just-"

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