Not Five Feet Apart Because We Both Gay (Chapter 6)

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~Third Person P.O.V~

*Play song when instructed to*

Lance was wakened to the sound of his sister's harsh early morning yelling. Groaning he flipped onto his stomach, hauling the pillow over his head in the process. 

"Shut the hell up Ronnie, it's way too fucking early!" He grumbled, his voice suppressed by the mattress. 

"That's the point dumbass, you have a road trip to get ready for remember?" She snickered, grabbing him by the ankles and pulling.

Fighting back the urge to rip her to shreds Lance accepts his fate, he barely got any sleep the previous night, due to the nightmares that plague him. The same nightmares of being back at the-

"The Kogane's will be here in two hours, and you take the longest to get ready, mama sent me up here to wake you." Veronica explained, cupping her brother's face tenderly. "You need sleep," She commented, running her thumbs under his eyes.

"Well, gee Ronnie- what the fuck do you think I was doing before you woke me up?" He replied, sarcasm oozing from his mouth.

She smiles, planting a kiss on his forehead before sauntering off. Lance sighed, laying down on the floor for a few minutes before getting up to get ready.


"Lance come on man they're outside!" Luis called up, him and Marco already hauling their suitcases outside.

Mumbling a string of curse words under his breath Lance come bustling downstairs pulling on the strings of his hoodie to ease his building anxiety. The cold, early-morning air nipped at his skin, his cheeks slightly getting rosy after being out for just a short period of time.

"Be careful you three- and no fighting! Oh, Lance don't forget to take your medicine!" Rosa reminded him, feeling her own forms of anxiety from being away from her sons.

"Okay mama!" He called back, stuffing his luggage with the rest in the trunk.

The car was fairly big, a shiny black on the outside, with tan leather interior on the inside, and having three rows of seats.

Mr. Kogane sat in the driver seat, Krolia right next to him. Shiro, Marco and Luis all sat in middle row, the twins sending death glares to the duel-haired boy, Shiro scooting as far away as possible from the two. Then, Keith and Lance, stuck all the way in the back.

The first hour or so was quiet, Luis had fell asleep on Marco's shoulder, while the wide awake twin of the pair was reading a book. Oldies music from the radio filled the car's heavy silence, while the two up front sang along to it, little by little, bit by bit, they turned the music up on full blast.

Keith, being the insomniac that he is, was tired but no matter how hard he tried, still no sleep. So he opted from music instead, pulling out his phone he plugged his earphones in, turning it all the way up to drown out the radio.

*Play song you losers*

So I never really knew you
God I really tried to

Blindsided, addicted
Felt we could really do this
But really I was foolish

Hindsight it's
Talking with my lawyer she said
"Where'd you find this guy?"

I said, "Young people fall in love"
"With the wrong people sometimes"

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