Mom Talks, Because She Ships Them (Chapter 10)

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~Third Person P.O.V~

The group had split up, Mr. Kogane, Shiro, Marco, and Luis going to go check out the different stores the pier had to offer. Krolia, Keith, and Lance all wanted to just walk along the boardwalk.

Lance was currently ahead of their small cluster, Keith admiring from behind, loving the way his hair tossed and turned in the breeze. Not that he would ever admit that. 

Krolia, on the other hand, was taking mental notes on how everything was unfolding. The woman is a doctor, she's had all sorts of patients come in with hundreds of different diagnoses being handed out. She could tell now, by how close the two seemed- even after barely knowing each other...they were soulmates.

And she shipped them.

Maybe just a little too much.

"So," She started, catching Keith's attention. "When did the whole, 'You and Lance cuddling in bed' become a thing?" He nearly choked on air at her question.

It had seemed to slip his mind that she had somehow figured it out. And it scared him on what she was going to do with this piece of information.

"And before you try to deny or ask me how I know need I remind you- I'm your mother, Keith. I know everything, including when you're lying." She warned, putting her 'Mom' face on for emphasis.

"So, out with it. I want to know." Krolia demanded, keeping her voice light and trying her hardest not to fangirl.

Keith sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know after we both fell asleep in the car it just- happened again last night."

"It's the first time in a long time, that I actually got a decent night's rest," Keith explained, he was still a bit confused about why it was Lance who seemed to be the help- but he wouldn't question it...yet.

He turned his head, locking eye with his mother's understanding ones. She nodded, not needing to hear anymore- this only confirmed her hypothesis even more.

She was determined to make sure the two boys were together or at least close to it, by the end of this week.


They were all currently sitting at Pier Market, a seafood restaurant right next to Fisherman's Wharf. (Actual place, I've been there and the food is 10/10 delicious!)

Krolia and Mr. Kogane had chosen a table outside on the second level, it was beginning to darken outside- but no one minded. It looked beautiful here, at this time of day. Everybody was scanning through the menu, the McClain's holding up a conversation about how pricey the food is in Spanish.

"¡Maldita sea! ¡Dieciocho dólares por unos malditos calamares!" Lance exclaimed this sudden outburst scared the Kogane's slightly. 'Holy crap! Eighteen dollars for some god damn calamari!'

His brother, on the other hand, was already flipping through the pages of their menu's, and sure enough, there it was: Calamari $18.95

"Damn who are they serving here? The fucking president- why is this shit so expensive?!" Luis joined in, at first he was just scanning through the options not really paying attention to prices until now.

Lance was about to continue when he noticed a shivering Keith next to him. "Keith you're freezing!" Lance observed, placing a warming hand on Keith's cheek.

"Y-Yeah no-no shit Sher- Sherlock." Keith shot back, his teeth creating light tapping sound as they quivered together.

Almost out of instinct, Lance lifted his hoodie over his head and slipping it onto Keith. 

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