Lance Being A Smug Little Shit Pt.1(Chapter 4)

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~Third Person P.O.V~(A/N I Like third person don't judge bitches)

Lance bounced his leg while he sat at the foot of his bed. He barely slept, the bags that rested under his eyes made it evident. The same melody from before grew louder, heightening his senses to the max and thus keeping him awake.

It was sometime around mid-day, he knew that much. He had been up for hours, listening to the rustling and commotion downstairs since early morning. But, he didn't bother getting up until now, not feeling up for human interaction seeing as though he was quite sleep deprived.

Trudging off to his bathroom, he flips the switch, taking a long look at himself in the mirror. He looked like shit, someone with horrible eye-sight would be able to tell he looked like shit, hell, even he knew did.

Splashing water on his face he sighed, the liquid's cooling sensation waking him up temporarily.

"Lance! Are you up?" Veronica's voice rang from behind his bedroom door.

He groaned, walking out of the bathroom to open it for her.

"What?" He snapped, running on three hours of sleep is bound to make him a bit cranky.

"Jeez, who took a shit in your cereal this morning." Veronica remarked, scrunching up her face before she noticed the dark circle under his eyes. "Holy shit Lance! Did you stay up late again?"

He rolled his eyes, her 'Big sister voice' being put on full display as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I'd haul ass if I were you loverboy, the Kogane's are coming over in like- two hours." Luis commented, walking past the two while he brushed his teeth.

It took Lance a minute to process what he said, as he stood there in deep thought. 'Who the fuck are the Kogane's?'

'Oh- Oh, shit.'

Veronica let out a short giggle, shaking her head in amusement at her little brother. "Get dressed- and for the love of god Lance take a damn shower!" She scolded, turning on her heal and stalking off to her room.

Despite her cool nature, Veronica was petrified, absolutely scared shitless about seeing her ex boyfriend. When she found out about her brother's getting into a fight with Shiro and Keith she wasn't surprised, maybe a little pissed, but not surprised.  

Everyone who knew the McClain's personally knows not to mess with Veronica, she may not be the youngest, but that doesn't mean shit to her brothers. You mess with Veronica McClain, and there'll be hell to pay.

Mainly by Lance.

Picking through his closet Lance opts for a plain button-up, pulling on a pair of black jeans and matching sneakers. Looking in the mirror his grimaces, rubbing under his eyes, then it hits him.

'Veronica has makeup!'

"Ronnie!" He calls out, lacing the shoelaces through the hoops of his tattered converse.

Bouncing through the door Veronica tilts her head at him, raising an eyebrow. "What'd you need Lancey?" She asks, running a hand through his hair.

"Makeup," He states, motioning towards his drained face.

She nods understandingly, running off to retrieve a few items. Coming back a minute later she closes the door and locks it, Lance send her a questioning gaze.

"Dad's home," Is all she replied with, answering Lance's unspoken question.

(So um, I now realized that his parents were never given names so I'm just gonna name 'em okay?)

Their father, Ricardo McClain, was homophobic, everyone knows that. So just imagine him walking past and seeing his daughter putting makeup on his son, even if it is just to cover bags under his eyes. He would lose his temper.

"How did he seem when he came in?" Lance asked fake casualty in his tone.

"He doesn't know about Shiro, if that's what your're asking." Veronica answers, her anxiety spiking just at the thought of her dad finding out.

Not only is he homophobic, but he also believes it to be a sin to date outside of your soulmate. He's real big on pushing his children to find them, it can be suffocating for them at times.

"Good, do you think mama told Mrs. Kogane not to mention it?" 

"If she's smart, which she is, then yeah. You and the twins have to figure out how you're gonna explain to dad why you were fighting though." Veronica said, snickering at Lances  fake horrified expression.

"Okay Lancey, you're all fixed up now. Let's go help mama!"


It was seven o'clock when the Kogane's arrived, Shiro, Keith, Krolia, however her husband was no where in sight.

"Where's your husband? If you don't mind my asking." Ricardo quizzed, raising an eyebrow while he greeted their guests.

As far as he knew, the Kogane's were there to discuss business and business only.

"Oh, much like myself, he's a work-aholic. He got held up at the office, won't be back until later tonight." Krolia replied causally, ushering her sons to the kitchen.

Greeting were placed in order, and everyone sat down in the dining room while Rosa, Lances mother, went to go check on the food with Krolia.

"Say uh- Shiro, was it? What happened to your face?"Ricardo asked, leaning back in his chair.

Lance turned to look at Shiro, a smug grin plastered on his face. "Yeah Shiro, what happened?" He asked, fake innocence clear in his tone.

"I fell down the stairs and hit my face on a few steps." Shiro lied smoothly, glaring at Lance who just winked in return.

Keith, the twins, and Veronica all snickering, trying their best to contain their laughter before he caught on.

"And you two?" Their dad queried, pointing at Marco and Luis.

"Play fighting with Lance gone wrong." Marco said, sending Lance a look as if to say, 'Play along'.

Ricardo turned to look at his youngest son, giving him a stern look. "¿Seriamente? Tómatelo con calma la próxima vez." He reprimanded, fighting off a smile to remain more serious. 'Seriously? Take it easy on them next time.'

"I make no promises." Lance deadpanned, taking a sip from his water.

Rosa and Krolia both came bustling through the dining room door, food platters in hand. Setting them down Rosa turns to her husband.

"Honey, I was going to make Apple Enchilada's for desert, but we're all out of the good apples. Do you think you could go pick some up?" She asked sweetly, in reality she was just trying to get him out of the house so they all could talk.

He sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. "I- I guess." Getting up he called out some goodbyes and walked out the door.

"Now, we all need to talk."

Hey guys!!

Pt.2 of this chapter should be up in the next day or two so watch out for that.

This is for my Bnha fans, how do y'all feel about TodoBakuDeku? 

And for my AOT fans, how do y'all feel about Ereri?

How was your guys' day?

As always stay safe and healthy you beautiful babes!

Until we meet again!!!❤❤❤

✓Just Like Musicals||Klance soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now