Disneyland Should Fear The Gays (Chapter 12)

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~Third Person P.O.V~

"Lance if you keep on bouncing up and down I will be legally obligated to beat the shit out of you!"

This lovely remark has been made by none other than Keith Kogane. Isn't he just of a ray of sunshine?

"If you keep killing my joy I will be legally obligated to beat the shit out of you!" Lance playfully growled, jutting his nose in the air like a child.

Shiro sighed, rubbing the sides of his jaw in irritation. "I could practically see the gay seeping from their mouths." He mutters under his breath.

Marco and Luis sending him threatening glares, shutting him the hell up in an instant. Krolia and her husband have noticed how relatively quiet their adopted son has been, which was concerning seeing as though just last week they couldn't get him to shut the fuck up. (I'm tired and running on three hours of sleep sorry for my aggressiveness XD)

"So, you guys excited for Disneyland? We're almost there!" Krolia said in a sing-song voice, mainly just trying to get Shiro to indulge in conversation- even if it was just a bit.

Did she know he was the spawn of dickheads? Yes. Was he still her son, and does she still love him? Also yes.

She hated seeing him so out of character. (So do I, next Klance fanfic he won't be a bitch I promise!)

There were a few non-verbal responses scattered around, Lance wasn't able to do anything except for nod, seeing as though Keith had him in a headlock to keep his energized bouncing at bay.

"How much longer?!" Lance whined, managing to wiggle his way from Keith's iron grip.

"Just a few more minutes Lance," Krolia giggled, watching the entire thing unfold from the rearview mirror.

Since yesterday the melody the two boys have been hearing non-stop has gotten fairly worse, it went from bits and pieces of words forming to entire verses- but not the whole song. Keith, being the smarter one of the two, had figured out what it meant- that he met his soulmate; unfortunately, he's not entirely smart, therefore he wasn't able to consider the possibility that it was Lance.


Once they found a parking lot that actually had a free parking space, and after they went past security, they were finally there...Disneyland.

Lance had the biggest, goofiest, grin plastered on his face, his clear ocean eyes twinkled and danced at all the wonders that surrounded him. Looking over to Keith Lance's smile grows wider if that's even possible,  they weren't even at the parks yet and the McClain boys were still excited.

"Yo, look at that ice cream shop!" Luis smiled, his eyes going wide at the thought of a fudge sundae.

"And they have a Lego store!" Marco gasped.

Everyone shot him a weird look, Lance and Shiro both snickering at the boy, then glaring at each other.

Turning around Marco blushes, a sheepish smirk registered on his face. "What? Someone in their twenty's can like Lego's still." He mumbled, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Where's all the rides and shit?!" Lance griped, yanking onto Keith's surprisingly strong arm.

The shorter male looked at the blue-eyed boy, shaking his head disapprovingly. In the short time of them actually getting to know each other he's grown very fond of Lance, how excited he gets over things, his sense of humor, even his cockiness- sometimes. But what Keith loves the most, is the boys eyes, his crystal clear, ocean blue eyes.

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