Insomnia And Nightmares Can Kiss Our Ass's (Chapter 8)

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~Third Person P.O.V~ (Why the fuck do I keep announcing it? Like um hello, Cricket, we know already!)

After what happened the previous night, Lance couldn't sleep, much to his dismay. He had a few guesses as to why- maybe it was because insomnia was being a bitch, or maybe at the fact that a really hot guy was sleeping in the next bed over.

And they fucking cuddled!

It was around four a.m. when Keith woke up, this startled Lance quite a bit, seeing as though the raven-haired boy stayed up until two scrolling on his phone. 

Silently Lance watched him- no he isn't a stalker- Keith sat up for a few minutes, tiredly rubbing his face before leaning over to grab his phone. He laid back, turning on his phone, and thus the scrolling commenced. Every now and then he would let out a hushed chuckle, this continued for another ten minutes or so- until Lance's boredom kicked in.

"What'cha looking at?" He asked.

Now see, Keith considers himself to be a manly man, most people consider Keith to be a manly man. But at that moment, he let out the girliest scream his vocal cords could conjure up.

As you can see lovely readers, Keith Kogane is very manly.

Lance nearly fell from his bed, chest rumbling laughs emitting from him. Keith however, looked like he could kill Lance, a hand was placed over his heart, his pulse sky-rocketing by the second.

"You're lucky it's late, or I'd kick your ass, McClain!" Keith hissed, trying his hardest not to grin.

"Yeah? I would love to see you try." He shot back, cockily propping himself up on his forearms.

"Fine. Pick the time and place I'll be there."

After a few minutes of staring at each other intensely, they both gave up, laughing heartily chuckles. Lance had to admit, Keith was slowly growing on him.

A comfortable silence licked the atmosphere, both of them too tired to speak for a while. Keith however, was marveling over the fact of how long he had slept earlier when he and Lance... you know.


They fucking cuddled.

"Um, thank you, Lance- for earlier in the car I mean," Keith mumbled, flushing a vibrant red at the thought of them cuddling.

"For falling asleep on you?" His tone seemed to surprise Keith for a second, he had expected disgust or somewhere along those lines, instead, he got innocent curiosity. In Lance's defense, he too was taken by surprise, only by Keith's verbal gratitude- not something the young Cuban had anticipated.

"Well...yeah? That was the first time I actually got some decent sleep, so I have to assume it was because of you so- thanks." Keith said, his voice much more clear this time, cool and husky.

Lance let out a hybrid sound, a scoff mixed with an amused laugh. Keith stared at the blue-eyed boy skeptically, is what he had expected about to come to pass?

"You know what- same goes for me actually." Lance smiled, turning so his legs were dangling off the edge.

He isn't short, unlike Keith, the bed is just really high up.

"What's keeping you from sleeping? If you don't mind my asking." Lance questioned, leaning forward onto his knees and interlocking his fingers.

Keith mimicked his actions, their face only a few feet apart now. Slowly drawing in an intake of air Keith exhales, not most people know about his insomnia, what reason would he have for telling someone he barely even knew?

Simple. For some odd reason, he trusted Lance, as if he had known him for years.

Well, sure he knew of him, their parents were friends, and they had a class together the previous year- but that's beside the point!

"Insomnia has been a bitch for most of my life." Keith deadpanned, smirking a bit at the end. "What about you?"

Now it was Lance's turn to be slightly nervous, only his close friends and Veronica knew about the nightmares. But, he knew- felt, deep down that Keith wasn't one to judge; besides it's not like he has to specifically say what the nightmares are about.

"I've been having bad dreams every night for the past... six years now," He said, his voice drifting off at the end, getting lost momentarily in his own world.

"Have you even slept yet?"

"Yes....when I fell asleep on you," Lance admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Keith couldn't believe he was even about to suggest this but- he really needed sleep, and he could tell Lance did too.

"Do you maybe wanna-" Keith found himself at a loss for words, how do you ask someone you just barely started getting to know if they wanted to cuddle with you so you both can actually sleep?

There is no real answer to that question.

Blushing Lance looks away, "I- I mean if you're cool with it." he murmured.

Keith bites his lip, nodding his head before scooting over to make room for Lance. Crawling into bed with him they both lay there, barely touching, not sure if the other would be comfortable with it. That is until-

Lance was the first to man up, scooting over and curling himself up next to Keith, he was grateful that it was still so dark, hiding his evident blush from the raven-haired boy.

Keith relaxed into Lance's touch, wrapping his arms around him almost instinctively. The two stayed like that for a few minutes, just focussing on each other's breathing.

"I'm sorry my brother was such a dick to your sister."

Lance lifted his head from Keith's chest, their eyes locking into one another's. The taller out of the two smiled, resting his head back into its original spot.

"It's okay...sorry for the beating the shit out of him," Lance mumbled, heavy waves of exhaustion starting to over-run his mind.

"In your defense, he deserved it." Keith chuckled, his chest vibrating against Lance.

It had soon become apparent that Keith had no shirt on, only a pair of basketball shorts. But, Lance was too tired to care, and so was Keith. Soon enough the soothing sweet feeling of sleep overcame the two, and that's how they slept, wrapped in each other's arms.

Hey guys!!

This was just another filler, I couldn't resist the fluff y'all.

But guys seriously? Three freaking chapters in one day! What the hell?

Until we meet again!!!

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