Krolia Knows What's Up (Chapter 9)

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~Third Person P.O.V~ (READ THIS! So they aren't in Bakersfield, I have made an error. They're in concord right now, it makes more sense for them to be there instead of Bakersfield- you'll see why. If you don't live in California look at a map while reading this.)

Keith was the first of the two to wake up, his phone being bombarded with nearly hundreds of messages from his mother. He let out a sigh, rubbing his face tiredly, looking down he noticed the Cuban boy was still fast asleep. 

Lance had moved in his sleep, he was now on top of Keith instead of curled up next to him, his face resting in the crook of his neck- not that Keith minded.

He wouldn't admit it.

But he didn't mind.

Before he could do anything else, his mother was facetiming him, 'Oh shit!'.

Lance began to stir in his sleep, wiggling until his head now rested on Keith's chest. Taking two deep breaths Keith answered, making sure to not put Lance in the camera's view.

"Keith Kogane!" She shouted, Keith cringing back at how harsh her voice sounded.


"I've been texting you for the past twenty minutes- did you just wake up?" Krolia asked, her concerned voice only a mother could give seeping through- pushing past any prior anger she held towards her son.

Keith nodded, subconsciously rubbing circles into Lance's back. "How much sleep did you get honey?" She questioned, lowering her voice a few octaves to a soothing level.

"Believe it or not I got a pretty good amount," Keith mused, looking down at Lance, his chest rising and falling at even paces. 'Apparently so did he.' Keith thought to himself, smiling softly at the boy- completely forgetting he was currently on the phone with his mother- who also happened to see Lance clear as day in the camera.

"Well, I'll be waiting- we leave at ten o'clock okay mister?" She said, a smug smirk reforming her features.


He hung up, gently scooting from under Lance- in attempts of not waking the boy. Once he was successfully out of his grip he went straight for his suitcase, fishing for some clothes to throw on and toiletries. 

The inky-haired boy opted for a plain whit tee, his signature red jacket and finger-less gloves to go with it. Carefully he opened the bathroom door, cringing when the hinges creaked with his movements. After about ten minutes of getting ready he was done, pulling the elastic rubber band off his wrist and twisting it into his hair- forming a perfect high ponytail, leaving his bangs to rest in his face.

"Why good morning mullet- or I guess I can't call you that right now huh? How do you feel about 'ponytail' for the time being?" Lance joked, already heading to find clothes for himself.

"I think I like you better when you're asleep." Keith shot back, a triumphant smirk plastered on his face when Lance's eyebrow twitched in irritation.  

"Aw- you like me? Wow, look at that everybody Keith Kogane likes me! This is like- the greatest day of my life." Lance gushed, placing a mocking had on his chest.

"Fuck you McClain,"

"Thanks, but how about you buy me dinner first?" Lance gibed letting out a string of laughs, Keith soon joining in.

They were warming up to each other to say the least. Sure it had only been a day but- they interacted so smoothly, like puzzle pieces. It makes Keith a little upset he hadn't tried to hang out with Lance for the past three years of being in high school.

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