Sand In My Ass Crack And Cross-overs(Chapter 11)

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~Third Person P.O.V~

The beach was a casual two-three minute walk from their hotel. Lance could hear the faint sound of the waves colliding and mixing together, eventually running onto the shore. 

He was excited, despite getting little to no sleep.

Lance and Keith were walking in the back of the group, both of them carrying a cooler while they talked.

"Okay, so you've never been to Disneyland?" Keith gawked, not even trying to hide the disbelief in his tone.

Lance laughed, nodding his head. "I don't know if you noticed, but I have a pretty big family- does it look like my parents are gonna pay for tickets and shit?" He joked, letting out a snort by accident, causing them both to laugh.

"Fine, you got me there. Well, it's a good thing we're going, I'll show you where all the best rides are- don't worry." Keith smiles, Lance, sending back a toothy grin.

"Hey! No more ponytail, I can call you mullet again!" Lance cheers, causing the mullet-wearing boy to glare.

"Fuck you McClain- Fuck. You." Keith snarls, inwardly feeling a bit self-conscious. Not that he would admit it.

Lance smirks, suddenly remembering something interesting he saw on his phone when getting ready. "You know Keith- if you wanted to get to know me so bad all you had to do was ask, no need to stalk my Instagram page." He says casually, looking at Keith in is peripheral vision. 

He stiffened, his face growing redder by the second. "You- you saw that?"

"Yep! Say, why were you scrolling so far down my page?" Lance pressed, raising a cocky eyebrow.

"I was just curious, I didn't even realize I was that far down until it was too late- damn." Keith huffs, averting Lance's ongoing gaze, he wouldn't look anywhere near him.

But, can you blame him? I'm sure we've all been there, or at least know someone who has. (I've been there T^T)

Soon enough, the beach came into sight of the group. Lance, along with his brothers, instantly booking it for the glorious mounds of sand; seeming to be holding an unspoken race, which Marco had easily won. They placed everything down, the more older adults setting up the towels and food. Unfortunately, Krolia didn't get her wish- for there was already a group of people not too far from where they resided.

They were playing with a frisbee, the taller boy of the group accidentally throwing said frisbee a little too far- it landed right by where Luis and Keith sat.

Running over he sends them all a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that, I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes." He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck.

"What strength? I just assumed it was because you can't throw for shit." 

Whipping his head around the taller boy glares at the shorter one, "Fuck off Levi! I can throw thank you very much!" he snaps, folding his arms in a childish manner.

"Yeah mhm- okay whatever you say brat. Hey, can we get that back?" He asks, not so politely, extending his hand.

Luis just offers a kind smile in return, handing the frisbee to Levi.

Krolia looks over to the newcomers, a smile on her face as well. "What's your name?" She questions, tilting her head to the tall-boy.

"Eren. Eren Jaeger." He grins, holding out his hand to shake hers.

"You mean soon to be Eren Ackerman!" A loud voice cackles from a few feet away, this causes both boys to blush, drawing attention to the ring on Eren's finger.

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