It Was A Bonding Moment! (Chapter 7)

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~Third Person P.O.V~ (Yeah no shit Sherlock)

'It was dark, cold and damp. Lance huddled in the corner of the stone room, his feet rough and dirty from working a few hours prior to. 

It was pure hell on earth being there. He didn't understand, why did he have to be here, how could he do this to his own son? Lance didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve to be taken apart and put back together- like a damn science experiment. 

"You're going to stay in here without food or water until you confess to your sins!" The lady shouted, Lance didn't even know her name.

He didn't know anything anymore.

He should have been at home, hanging out with Pidge or Allura, staying up late at night talking to Hunk.

But he was here.

Hungry, and tired.

Then, the tears began to fall, streams of hot water clashing against his frosted rosy cheeks. His shoulders shook, gut wrenching sobs threatening to spill from his mouth, but he kept quiet; forming his lips into tightly pressed line.

His headache from before grew in size, side effects from the shock therapy he guessed. Looking up he stared in horror, a large figure walking towards him, a broom in hand as they headed straight for Lance.





He bolted up, sweated stuck to his forehead like glue and dampened his hair down, he looked around only to be met with complete darkness. Sitting up he saw his brothers, both of them holding worried expressions. Looking behind him he expected to see Keith, only to find that he was gone.

"What- what happened?" Lance stuttered out, his heart rate slowly declining,"Where is everybody?"

"You started freaking out in your sleep, you were screaming." Marco said, placing a comforting hand on Lance's shoulder.

"You okay man?" Luis asked, his tone sounding that of a worried father.

Lance smiled, he appreciated his older brothers, but he couldn't tell them what about the nightmares, what they were about, how they've been haunting him for years now.

"Yeah, just a bad dream- don't worry about it." He reassured, leaning back in his seat with a sigh of relief. He looked out the window, noticing how dark it had gotten, which made him wonder-

"How long was I asleep?"

"Eleven hours dude." Marco replied, a teasing smile could be slightly detected in the lighting.

Lance was beyond astonished, he couldn't remember a time where he had gotten, four hours of sleep! But eleven? He felt good, still a bit tired, but really good. Better than he has in an extremely long time- of course the nightmares are still there but, there were positives to think about.

"So, where is everyone?" He re-asked, raising his eyebrows.

"They're inside the hotel getting everything ready and set up for us. They didn't wanna wake you up just yet, we stayed just in case you did wake up and started freaking out." Luis sighed, stretching out and 'accidentally' hitting Marco in the face.

Which turned into bickering, then arguing, then screaming at each other in Spanish, that is until-

"Hey Lance, did you know they had to pry you off mullet boy?" Marco teased, dodging one of Luis's playful hits.

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