Something new

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I checked how I looked in the little mirror from my phone. Well, after all I didn't looked terrible, although I was very sweaty.

I could still hear the guys performing. My heart started to beat faster and faster because I knew that seeing him again, that close, would turn my world upside down.
Janna was humming the song and I felt pretty bad that I didn't know the lyrics. She was way more beautiful than me (or at least this is what I thought) and I felt eclipsed, but she seemed a nice girl.
"Sooo.. Are you like Dan's girlfriend?" Janna asked nonchalantly, but with a stain of embarrassment.

I didn't actually know how to answer that because I was totally not his girlfriend but I wasn't a stranger at all.

"Uhm.. No.." I just added.
"Oh, alright! Sorry then! Dan is a good guy by the way!" Janna said as she shared a little wink.
"Ok, Pompeii is finished so finally the guys are coming..." she then added excitedly.
I was still sitting there, on the red armchair. In that moment I could feel my heart racing so fast.

Kyle came first. I recognized him because he kissed Janna so softly, yet so lovely.

Woody, the drummer (whose name I learned after) came second, followed by Will and eventually Dan.

I could see that Dan didn't notice me at first place, but immediately I could observe his crystal eyes brightening and his smile enlarging as he saw me.
He came and gave me one of his best hugs and kissed my cheek.
"God, I'm so so glad you are here! Sorry for earlier today, I was really busy. And sorry because I acted like a douchebag." he apologised so tenderly.
"Yeah.. Well it's fine..You guys were awesome and it was pretty wicked to find out that you are in such a big band and that you are so talented." I smiled as I said that.
"It's mental that you came to the gig. Thank you so much, you are so awesome. And you look so beautiful." he told me, I blushed.

I could feel the other guys from the band staring at us, but as Dan looked into my eyes I felt euphoric and I barely noticed anybody besides him.

He took my hand and kept looking at me. I didn't feel that unconfortable, but damn he looked so fine.
"I didn't introduce you to the guys, shit, sorry. This is Kyle, Will and then Woody."
They shook my hand and we smiled to eachother. They were so cool and nice.
"Are you coming to a small after-gig celebration with us?" Woody asked.
"Yeees, babe, please do!" Dan said with a husky, hot tone.
I didn't have anything better to do so I accepted.
"Ok, I'm in!"
"Awesome, we are going to Dandelyan as we always do.. Will that be a problem for you?" Dan asked.
"Uhm... No, I'll just try and laugh about it... And also remember the bright parts." I smiled and winked at him as I said that phrase.
"Alright, you should go first straight to my car and wait in there with Janna. We are going to take some pictures with the fans so hang in there!" Dan said.

The fans were screaming thinking we were the guys. They were highly dissapointed and probably the questioned who the heck we are.
"Justine, are you sure you and Dan aren't togheter? I saw how he looks into your eyes, he totally adores you!" Janna cried.
I smiled awkwardly. I wasn't sure this was true but I was glad to hear that.
"No, we aren't togheter, Janna!! I adore him too, though.."

The wait for the boys was kind of long. As Kyle and Dan got into the car, we rushed to Dandelyan.
Kyle was so nice with Janna. He was cuddling in the back of Dan's car with her and they were so nice togheter.
"We should do that sometime." Dan suggested as he pointed to them.
I started laughing maybe because it was very spontaneous or maybe because I just wanted it.

Hoarse breath // Dan smith fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now