You're so cool

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I slept really well. The warm and tender sun rays woke me up. I could almost see them smiling and for an instance it seemed like they were tending me. I felt safe in his bed, although he was probably sleeping in the other room,dreaming of new songs and new lyrics.

I could feel that there were millions of stories which took place in his apartment, but I was just a wreck in the waves of oblivion, never to know my faith.

I checked my phone: 8:15. Why did I wake up so early, it's a midsummer day after all? I put my phone back on the nightstand, but I see something odd by accident: a folded, old napckin. It seemed strange to me because it had a bit of a red lipstick stain.

"There must be something written on it." I thought.

As I unfolded it, I noticed the phrase "You're so cool. I love you, my soulmate", followed by three hearts, all written and drown in a black ink pen.

The phrase seemed familliar to me, but it took me a while until I realised where it is from: the quote was from the movie Dan didn't want to watch, "True Romance".

I had a clue in my "investigation", but I guess it was too small to become something concrete. Was I too paranoia? It was obviously a thing connected to a girl from Dan's past, but I was worried of his way too sceptical attitude.

The best thing I could do was to just watch the movie because I reallt wanted to see it anyway. I got off his bed, still wearing his oversized T-shirt.

I thought of preparing the breakfast, but I wasn't sure if Dan was ok with it, or if he'd had any food at all. I checked his fridge: some beer bottles and a tomato.

I thought I would be a good person if I buy some take-away food and coffee, since he would wake up very hungry. I left a note, ironically, on a napckin. It wasn't on purpose but I couldn't find any paper.

"Good morning, love.

  I went for some food.

  I should be back by 9:30.


I left it on the coffee table next to him, so I was pretty sure he would notice it.

I put on my clothes from yesterday,which felt uncomfortable, since I really wanted to change.

There was a medium-sized restaurant, right one street away from Dan's. I went and ordered two toasters, two muffins and two coffees. They were ready in 20 minutes, which meant I still had time until 9:30. I decided to call my family and friends to let them know I'm alright. I also checked where and when was their next concert: the USA tour, which started in a week.

Wow, that meant I wouldn't get to see Dan anymore for so many months. Besides, he was going to meet other girls, way better than me. I was really sad because there are always rocks in the sea, fire in love. Was I overthinking too much? If Dan and I are really meant to be together, things will sort out. Or at least I hoped so.


Hoarse breath // Dan smith fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now