Holy night

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My mind was full of various thoughts, but I really tried to focus on having a great time with my.. well, boyfriend. Throughout the years I've always feared insecurity and bad mystery. Being in this situation seemed so hard to handle and Dan's bizarre attitude wasn't helping.
"Hey, don't be sad, it's just something personal. I promise I'll tell you when I feel comfortable." he tried to cheer me up."What about watching Changeling, with Angelina Jolie? It's a pretty good movie." Dan suggested.
"Yeah, I guess that will be alright."

Watching the movie was normal, nothing romantic, we were just focusing on the plot since it was very intriguing. The popcorn was good, his sofa was comfortable, but my mind was full of uncertainties. I wasn't even in a good mood but I couldn't dissappoint Dan, although he kind of did by not telling me.

The movie ended so I didn't know whether to stay over at Dan's or just return to the hotel. I wasn't even sure if I could trust him now.

"Uhm, you know, I'll better just return to the hotel. I'm tired and I seriously don't want to disturb you. Thank you anywa.."
"Oh god, I shouldn't have.. Please stay, you don't disturb me at all. And please stop thinking about that stupid shit.. I almost forgot about it, and you should, too. I promise you everything is going to be alright and I'll give you the money you lost.." he told me.
"Dan, you know it's not about the money.. It's just.."
"Oh, come on. You can sleep in my bed, I'll bring new pillows and sheets and I am going to sleep on the couch. I can give you one of my T-shirts so you can sleep in it. Believe me, everything is alright." he said.

He took my hand and showed me his bedroom. It was a little bit messy, but as I entered in the room I could feel his bohemian whiff. It was that natural, british, manly scent and I couldn't get enough of it.
He chose a random T-shirt from his wardrobe: a black oversized Twin Peaks Highschool one.
"You can change here, I'll be in the other room."

He was really adorable and I couldn't be more thankful. I didn't even know why sometimes I doubted him. The T-shirt was big, but it barely covered up my butt.

"Woah, love, you look fierce!" he said as he grabbed my waist and slowly kissed my neck, cheek and evetually mouth.

His touch was tender and feeling his body pressed into mine made me feel heavenly.

We kissed again and we both ended up together in bed. We started laughing but he immediately stood up, kissed my forehead and made sure the sheets covered me.

"Good night and sleep tight!"

Hoarse breath // Dan smith fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now