Chapter 13

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Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden where the flowers are dead.


I am comfortably sitting while staring at the vast view of the ocean through the window of this vehicle I am currently in. My mind keeps on replaying all of the activities Lisa and I did.

We ate some of the local foods offered at the southern part of Batanes at the same time enjoyed the historical places it offers. There is this time where we found a pastry shop and we both decided to eat and have coffee for ourselves.

"Do you have any idea in baking?"  Lisa asked and slowly looked at me. 

"Yes. It is my hobby when I was still in school." I answered and smiled at her a little. 

"Why does it feels like it was already ages since you last baked?" She curiously replied.

"Because it really feels like ages since the last time I baked?"  I said with a shrug and a little smile plastered on my face. 

"Do you miss it?" She once again asked.

"Baking? Of course I miss doing stuff I enjoyed and loved the most." I sadly replied but still managed to have a smile on my face.

Yes it was ages since the last time I baked. I used to bake cakes and stuffs specially during my parent's anniversary. I stopped doing that when I assumed the position at my father's company. I was taken aback when Lisa stood from her seat and talked to lady at the shop's counter. I don't know what are they talking about but just after a few conversation between them, she guided Lisa inside their kitchen. I waited not long enough until Lisa got out and walked back to our placed with a huge smile plastered on her face. 

"What did you do?" I keenly asked. 

"Bringing back the things you love to do." She said and winked at me. In an instant, she dragged me across the shop and into it's kitchen. 

"Hi everyone. Thank you for allowing us to barge in your kitchen." Lisa greeted towards the kitchen staff while scratching her nape. "She's the one who'll use this side of the kitchen." She said pointing on one side of their baking area.

"If it is for remembering the forgotten passion in baking, you can use our kitchen however you want." A middle - aged woman happily answered.  She looked at me and genuinely smiled. "Go on, you can use everything. Don't forget to let us taste your own recipe." She said and winked at me. 

I respectfully bowed to show my appreciation and gratitude. "Kamsahamnida." (Thank you.) 

I looked at Lisa and there she is, staring at me with a huge smile on her face. "This is the first time I saw you without this tiger-ish aura of yours." She said and laughed. I don't know why I pouted as soon as I heard her laugh. "Don't do that Ms. Kim." She seriously added. 

"Wae?" (Why?) I confusedly asked. 

"It is too cute for me to handle." She whispered and headed at the kitchen counter where the basic utensils where placed. 

My heart suddenly thumped as if there is a wild animal trying to escape from my chest. I held my chest and slowly moved my hand onto my, now heated, cheeks. 

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