{Death Note} Mellodramattic- Out of Chocolate

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i'm not creative anymore
sorry for lack of updates
nobody cares anyway so whatever

Mello's POV
"MATT! WHERE THE HELL DID MY CHOCOLATE GO?!" I shout down the hallway.

"YOU ATE IT ALL!" he shouts back, though I can barely hear through the loud volume on Super Mario Galaxy.

I roll my eyes and burst into his room, unplugging the Wii.

"Awh, come on! I'm the one who saved your sorry ass when the building exploded!" he pouts, pointing to my left eye.

"Whatever. Let's get more."

I leave the room after throwing Matt his shoes. He emerges five minutes later holding a Gameboy.

"Do you ever stop?" I sigh. He shakes his head no and makes his way to the door.


We walk into the candy shop, the rows of lollipops and sour gummies makes my mouth water.

"You want anything?" I turn to Matt who is staring at the coconut truffles.

"N-no, you get your chocolate," he says.

"Get a couple of those for you, I never see you eat anything."

He happily picks out four truffles and makes his way over to me. After deciding for a few minutes, I pick up five bars of milk chocolate and five bars of dark chocolate.

"That everything?" Matt asks. I nod and pull out my wallet to pay the cashier.

"Come again soon!" she smiles. I grab Matt's arm and walk back out to the street.

"Mario Kart?" Matt looks at me with a smirk.

"You're on."

hopefully this format is easier to read lol
again request shit pleaseeee

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