{My Hero Academia} Shigadabi- High School AU pt 2

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chpisobo requested a part two so here you go sparky
i haven't called you that in a long time lol

Dabi's POV

I walk out of the library with butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Sure, I may be one of the most popular guys in Yuuei, but this so-called outcast is going to be the death of me. The way his hair frames his pale face, his small smile when I do something right-

"Dabi? You okay, dude?" The quarterback, Spinner, asks. We call him Spinner because he can throw perfect spirals every time he throws the ball.

"I'm fine. Just got back from studying," I roll my eyes.

"Who tutored you? Looks like you've got her in your mind~" he teases.



"It doesn't matter. Just an outsider."
I walk past the green-haired man and head to my house.

the next day

"Yeah, whatever. See you later, Twice," I walk away from our running back. He's called Twice because he scores two touchdowns every game ever since he got on the team. He's basically our klutzy good-luck charm.

I start walking to the gym before I'm joined with that blonde girl again.

"How'd your tutoring go with Shiggy?" she asks.

"It went fine, Blondie. He's actually pretty nice..." I mutter.

She gasps, "you like him, don't you?!"
I pull her into a janitor's closet and shut the door.

"Listen. Even if I don't, you can't tell anyone. If the school knows I like someone, even worse a boy, I'll be bombarded with rumours and lies. Keep your mouth shut, Blondie, you hear me?" I give her a stern look.

"Of course! Your secret is safe with me!" she smiles and walks out of the closet just as the bell rings.


"Young Todoroki, I thought you told me that you wouldn't be late again!" Coach Everdeen scolds.

"Yeah yeah, the name's Dabi, coach. And it won't happen again!" I scoff.

"I don't believe it. You're studying with Young Shigaraki, right?" he asks. I nod. "Okay good. Tomura, you're not in trouble, but please take Dabi back to the library and work with him."

Remembering my tutor is also in my gym hour, I step out of the gym before everyone sees my blush.


"Okay. Since you really didn't do anything wrong, why don't we organize the library?" Shigaraki suggests, "I do it all the time."

I shrug and head to a random shelf that held the historical fiction books.

After an hour of organizing, the librarian gave us Jolly Ranchers and let us head to our next hour.

"Wait-Shigaraki?" I call to the periwinkle-haired teen.

"What is it?" he turns around with a pink tint on his pale cheeks.

I rub the back of my neck and ask, "do you maybe want to go out sometime? Catch a movie or something?"

His eyes widen and the blush gets darker, making me blush even more as well.

"I-uh... sure!" he giggles, making my heart jump.

"G-great! Uh- here's my number. Text me!" I scribble my number on a Post-It note and hand it to him, running to my next class.

ack i hope this suited your request and is a good enough ending :3

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