{My Hero Academia} Highschool! Shigadabi- Periwinkle

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requested by DevilsChild0
trope: the world around you is grey. the only colour you see is the same one your soulmate sees. when you two touch, whether it be a brush to the hand or a kiss, the world explodes into colour.

Dabi's POV

I usually get self-conscious about the colour I can see. It's not very attractive. Like it would be good for hair or acrylic nails, but not for tennis shoes.

"Jeez, Dabi! You wear a lot of Periwinkle. What's up with that?" Toga asks, skipping next to me.

I groan, "It's the only thing I can see, goddamnit. It's not my fault that I haven't met mine and you have!"

"Aww, cheer up! You'll meet them someday!" she reaches up, pats my head, then walks into her next class- astronomy.

I sigh and walk into my history class. I sit down in the back as usual and pull out a book I was reading before Toga interrupted.

My mind begins to wander, wondering what different colours look like. Toga says her hair is blonde and mine is red. But what do those colours look like? I can only see this pale purpley blue.

"Mr. Todoroki, are you even paying attention?" the teacher snaps, catching me off-guard.

"No," I scoff, "this class is stupid as hell."

She then gets angry with me and sends me to the office. I gladly collect my things and head to the bathroom instead of the office.


It's been two months since Toga found her soulmate. I'm getting tired of seeing periwinkle everywhere I go. It's an especially uncommon colour too.

She and I say our goodbyes and we enter our classes.

"Everyone, the principal says we are having a new student. His name is Shimura Tenko, and I expect you all to be nice to him," my maths teacher announces.

I look up and see a dude with red eyes and periwinkle hair. His hair? That's weird.

"Call me Shigaraki Tomura," is all he says. Sadly, the only open spot is by me in the back.

"Alright, Shigaraki. You can sit in the back next to Touya."

I raise my hand, "It's Dabi, miss. You should write that down or somethin'."

Some people chuckle as the teacher rolls her eyes and sends this Shigaraki kid to sit by me.

"You're wearing a lot of periwinkle, what's up with that?" he says, looking me up and down.

"Wait," I gasp, "you can see it?"

"Yeah, it's the only thing I see. It's a lot of it," he says.

"Well what do you want me to do, pick out grey and black clothes and just hope they match up? No, I would rather wear the same colour day by day rather than having other people see me wearing some kind of colours that don't match up," I grumble.

I see Shigaraki reach over and touch my arm.

"Holy SHIT!" I accidentally shout, blinking at the burst of colour. Is this Toga's view of the world?

"Wow..." Shigaraki looks around in awe.

"Mr. Shigaraki, Mr. Todoroki? Are you okay?" the teacher stops class and looks at us.

Spinner pipes up, "Yo, Dabi's found his soulmate! It's a dude!"

"Shut up, Spinner, I hope you get a crusty old man!" I flip him off.

"Mr. Todoroki, as happy as I am for you, office. Now."

I roll my eyes and grab my stuff, exiting the room and heading to the bathrooms.

"Hey hey, Dabi! How goes class?" Toga's obnoxious voice asks.

I turn around, "Holy shit, Toga. Do you have an outfit or whatever?"

"Uhh, yeah? Why? You're not planning on wearing it, are you?" she smiles.

"Uhh, yeah I am. This colour is ugly as fuck. Well... not on him..." I mutter.

Toga gasps, "You found your soulmate! I'm so proud of you!" she wraps me into a tight hug.

"Jesus, okay, maybe I did. The world is too bright now."

"Aww! It's okay! You can have my yellow hoodie. I can't do much about your pants though. Luckily, the yellow is pale enough to match the pale purple of the periwinkle! Gosh, try saying that five times fast..." she chuckles, whipping out a pale yellow hoodie.

"Thanks, I guess," I say, throwing it over my t-shirt.

"Hey, Dabi, is it?" I see the new kid walk up to me.

I say, "Wow, someone actually got my name right. What is it?"

"Uhm... since we're soulmates or whatever, maybe we should eat lunch together?" he asks.

"Aww! He's your soulmate? So cute! I'm Toga Himiko, Dabi's best friend!" Toga smiles.

"Uh, Shigaraki Tomura. I assume you've met yours?" Shigaraki asks.

The two strike up a conversation while I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom to see what I look like.

I've got this weird red hair and turquoise eyes- just how people describe my son of a bitch father.

"Oi, you never said I had red hair! Can you help me dye it?" I walk back out and poke Toga's arm.

"Sure thing, Grumpy! What colour?" she asks.

"Black. I hate this red colour..." I grumble.

"I don't mind it..." Shigaraki says softly.

I sigh, "Yeah, well I don't. I look just like my fucking father. I might have to switch everything up..."

The three of us decide to ditch class and head to the store to buy me some hair dye.

"Jesus fuck, the sky!" I gape.

"Yeah, it's a pretty blue! Don't you like it, Tombert?" Toga pokes my soulmate's arm.

"Don't call me that. I don't care, I just don't wanna be at school right now."

I chuckle, feeling the exact same way.

I guess all in all, I'm not mad about my soulmate. He's cute, a bit moody, and doesn't care what i look like.

I just hate how bright the fucking sun is.

dear god this sucked ass but i hope you liked it

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