{One Piece} Zoro x Male! Ice skater! Reader

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I've been ice skating recently and simping for Zoro from one piece so yay
I also added an OC named Cassidy so there ya have it

Your POV

School finally lets out and I hop on my bike, ready to go home and get my skates.

I'm self-taught on the ice mostly, my best friend Nami taught me how to balance and move forward.

"Hey, (Y/N)! How was school?" my older sister, (S/N) ( if you don't have a sis just go with it ;-;) asks me.

I set down my book bag and say, "It was fine. Mr. Shanks gave me a D on my test, though."

"Aw, that sucks. You headed to the rink again? Don't you have blisters?" (S/N) asks.

"Of course I do, but that can't stop me from practicing."

I grab my skating bag and head to the public skating rink about 5 minutes away from my apartment.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Here for skating again I see?" my favourite receptionist, Cassidy, smiles at me.

"Yep. I already paid last time I was here."

"Alright sir, you are good to go! Have fun!"

I smile and wave at her, heading down the stairs to get my skates on.


When I get there, I see other regulars I know and wave at them. Across the room, I see a group of boys lacing up some rental skates. I haven't seen them around here before. One is wearing a red vest and a straw hat, one has curly black hair and a long nose, and one has short mint green hair.

I sit across from them and get out my (F/C) figure skates and start taking off the blade guards. I loosen the laces and slide the knife shoe onto my foot.

Once both of my skates are on and my belongings are underneath the bench, I walk out to the rink, where they just got done with the Zamboni machine.

'Yes, the ice will be fresh!' I think as I step onto the rink.

I skate over to a circle marked in the ice and do an experimental camel spin to test the ice.

Once that's over with and I get used to the feel again, I skate a lap and kick into a double toe loop and land flawlessly. Smiling at my success, I gain more momentum and try a triple. I stumble at the end but don't fall.

"Woah, you're amazing! How long have you been ice skating?" an enthusiastic voice asks from behind me. I spin around and come face to face with the long-nosed dude.

"Ah, thanks. I've been skating since I was around 3 years old. I'm still working on jumps, obviously," I laugh and rub the back of my neck.

The long-nosed dude laughs, "You're still pretty amazing! My name is Usopp, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Usopp. I'm (Y/N). Is that green-haired guy your friend?" I point to the guy who was holding onto the wall for dear life.

Usopp sighs, "It's Zoro's first time ice skating. He's amazing at fencing, though."

I nod, interested in this handsome man. I skate over to him smoothly and stop a few feet in front of him.

"Your name is Zoro, right?" I ask, holding out my hand.

Zoro looks up at me confused and nods.

"Great! I talked to your friend Usopp, and he said it's your first time on the ice. Do you want me to help you a bit?" I offer nervously.

He smirks and says, "I guess I wouldn't mind just a little bit of help. What's your name anyway, mystery man?"

"(Y/N)," I laugh, "Alright. Give me your hands."

Zoro blushes, "Why would I do that?"

"To help you balance? What else would I be doing?" I laugh.

Zoro's POV

This (Y/N) guy is interesting. I watched him to some cool jumps while I was barely standing on this damn ice rink.

I stretch out my arms and quickly put my hands in his, making sure not to fall. He starts skating backwards and drags me along.

"Remember, it's okay to fall. I can't tell you how many times I've fallen trying to do a triple axel. People fall all the time, even professionals," (Y/N) smiles at me.

I let that information sink in and calm down a little bit. (Y/N) takes me to the circle where I saw him doing that one-foot spin, whatever it was called.

"I'm gonna let go now. If you fall, that's okay. I'll help you up."

I feel his warm hands leave mine as he skates a few feet away from me. I stay put and wobble just a little bit before slipping.

I expect to feel the cold ice hit my arms and hip, but I instead feel warm arms wrap around my torso.

"You okay, Zoro?" (Y/N)'s calming voice asks as he helps me back on my feet.

I say, "Y-yeah, I'm alright."


The hour passes and it's time for me, Luffy, and Usopp to go back home.

"Yo, (Y/N), thanks for the help today," I say as I untie my skates.

He laughs, "It was no problem. It's nice making new friends. Oh, here, have my number in case you want me to teach you more!"

(Y/N) hands me a slip of paper reading:


(xxx) xxx-xxxx

I look up to thank him, but he's already out the door.

"Zoro's got himself a boyfriend~!" Usopp teases.

"What? He does?" Luffy looks up questioningly.

I roll my eyes, "No I don't. (Y/N) is just helping me out with ice skating. Shut up already and turn in your skates."

I put the paper into my pocket and make a mental note to put his number into my phone.

Ice skating should be so much more fun now!

lol zoro is so ooc but that okayyyy its fineeee
sorry I like died for a little bit lol I was getting into more animes and I binged mahou shoujo site, one piece (still currently watching), and hetalia. china is my favourite :)
aight see you all in therapy!


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