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The college had given the new students a week to settle in and Taehyung was over the moon because that meant more time with Jungkook. On the other hand, it would drive them closer which would probably kill Taehyung since he knew Jungkook could never be his. To kill his time while Jungkook was scrolling through his Instagram, he made a list of reasons to love Jungkook.

1. He's super cute 

2. He's fucking sexy 

3. He cares for me 

4. He's husband material 

5. His bunny smile can cure cancer 

6. Becuase I want to fucking love him 

After the sixth one, he stopped because he was super bored. He lookED across at jungkook with a pout on his face. 

"Kookie, I'm bored," he whined playing around with his phone. 

As soon as Taehyung said those words, Jungkook looked up and gave one his extra special bunny smiles.

"Sure tae what do you wanna do?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows about and making Taehyung laugh.

"I don't really know..." he replied. 

"Jin just said he's having around a movie night over at his dorm, let's go there," Jungkook said, looking down at his phone as Taehyung's face lit up. 

He jumped up from his bed and waited -very- impatiently as Jungkook put his shoes on. He purposely took his time to tease Taehyung and he was not happy about it.

*At Jin and Namjoon's dorm* 

"Oh jungkook and Taehyung you're here, come here. I ordered pizza for everyone!" Jin exclaimed as Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"K mom,"Jungkook replied as Jimin sniggered from the living room, having heard them. 

"We're just waiting for Jung fucking Hoseok and then we'll start the movie," Namjoon said as Taehyung and jungkook entered the living room. 

"Where the fuck is that horse anyways and why are we waiting for him?" Yoongi asked, his expression screaming 'I'm Pissed'.

"Babe don't be so cold, we should always be patient for others," Jimin said as Jungkook pretended to gag.

"Take you and your fucking husband somewhere else, midget," Jungkook said as Jimin tugged Yoongi's sleeve.

"Hyung, he's making fun of my height," Jimin pouted.

"Say one more word about his height and I'll Throw you out the window," Yoongi said in a cold tone. 

Jeon Jungkook was a rebel which was why he replied with "Short, Jimin is and always will be short."

Namjoon was enjoying the view in front of him while Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Ignore the fucker, so what if you're short? at least you're fucking beautiful," Yoongi said kissing Jimin's head after he laid his head on his shoulder. 

Everyone knew that Jimin was the only person Yoongi could ever soften up with. Jimin was Yoongi's life and Yoongi was Jimin's. They had started dating in their teens at around the age of 15 and had been inseperable.

 The boys had grown up together and though they joked around most of the time, they knew deep inside they cared for each other. 

Hoseok finally decided to turn up and scrunched up his nose as he saw Jimin cuddling with Yoongi. 

"Jesus fucking Christ yall reek of gayness,"he joked as Yoongi lightly kicked his back while he sat down on the carpet before him. 

The movie (well it wasn't a movie, it was just them binge-watching a Netflix show) night went past like time- it flew. Before they knew it, it was 7, then 8, then 9, then 10, then 11, then 12 o'clock. 

The show ended and the only ones awake were jungkook, Namjoon,Jin Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Bye bitches im off," Hoseok said, stretching his limbs and heading out the door. 

Yoongi lifted Jimin in his arms and headed off. Jungkook was about to do the same to Taehyung when Jin stopped him. He motioned him to come to the kitchen, where Namjoon was sitting on one of the stools. 

"How's tae, kook? Is he doing fine? he wasn't doing so well before leaving high school. Are you looking after him properly?" Jin asked, worried.

"Yeah, it's just that he's really good at hiding his emotions. He doesn't talk to me about his feelings openly but I know he's troubled. I mean, his parents did get divorced barely five months ago," Jungkook sighed as Namjoon nodded his head. 

"Look after him jungkook, we're trusting him with you," Namjoon said as Jungkook got up. 

He went to the living room and picked up taehyung's sleeping body. Namjoon opened the door and jungkook carried taehyung out. Namjoon and jungkook exchanged goodbyes and jungkook headed off to his dorm. 

He lay the boy down on his bed and sat by his side. He brushed his hair out of his face and hesitated momentarily before going ahead and kissing taehyungs forehead.

Little did he know, Taehyung was actually awake........


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