Twenty One

38 3 14

Taehyungs legs trembled involuntarily as he stepped onto the weighing scale, his eyes shut and bottom lip between his teeth. He was currently standing in his dressing room. Jennie and jisoo had left after doing his makeup and fixing his clothing, leaving him alone with his pestering thoughts.

^taehyungs wearing the clothes in the picture above, sorry I couldn't find a full one^

He looked down at the needle which was now pointing at 43kg, as if it was menacing him. He sighed and stepped back onto the ground, his footing unsteady as he suddenly felt a rush of dizziness take over him. Fuck. He could never be good enough.

His manger came in after a while, a pleasant smile on his face after looking at how gorgeous taehyung was looking and thinking about how much money he was going to make. Yes. It was the day of the long awaited fashion show. Significant people from all over the world were coming and boy, taehyung did not want to mess up.

He watched which squinted eyes as models walked up and down the runway, getting an exceptable amount of cheering and applause. 

A bout of social anxiety hit him and he started to wonder 'what if I'm so ugly, no one even cheers'. And then. And then.... it was his turn. Jisoo and jennie patted him on his shoulder, as he walked onto the stage, a deep breathe drawn into his Lungs. Everyone went silent as he walked onto the runway. You could hear a motherfucking pin drop with the amount of sheer silence that filled the room like smoke. Taehyung, well. Taehyung, i-. Taehyung looked ABSOLUTELY BREATHETAKING.

He walked down the runway, thinking his fears were true, when suddenly. Suddenly. The whole crowd roared. Roared as in... Roared. It was deafening. It was like the whole world had been crammed into the venue.

Taehyung was a natural. He walked down the runway, with ease, his famous expression of neutrality on his face, giving away no emotion. Straight people in the crowd started questioning their sexuality as he stopped at the center, light shining into his eyes as the crowd continued to scream.

 For a moment, just a tiny one, taehyung thought he heard a familiar voice. Shit taehyung, this isn't the time-

With all the emotional stability he had in him, taehyung pushed his boyfriend away from his mind, his heart aching and he turned around to walk back, the audience failing to falter their tone, screaming, if not, harder. Jisoo and jennie hugged him as he entered the backstage area, compliments hitting him like bullets. Even the godamn manager seemed to be above the ground.

Everyone seemed to be saying something, but taehyung didn't hear a thing. He just wanted to be alone. He wanted jungkook.


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