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The funeral was heart-wrenching, absolutely heart-wrenching. There was a tickertape headline running through taheyungs brain: Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry....

They had spent the night at Jungkooks moms house, mentally preparing themselves for the miserable morning. 

But in the end, he ended up shedding more tears than he intended to. Jungkooks dad was like the father figure he never had, and he was like a son to him. It was heartbreaking too acknowledge that fact that he was gone. 

Since Jungkooks family were atheists, they just held the funeral in a church, after all, how could it matter when they didn't even believe? 

Jungkook was trying to keep the flow of his tears under control. They were all huddled around the coffin and just like in the movies, it started to rain lightly. Taehyung had the sudden urge to hug jungkook tightly but decided against it since there were other people too, mainly business friends and a few relatives. Instead, he slid his hands around his waist and squeezed tightly to let him know he was there. 

A small smile materialised on Jungkooks face as he stared down at his feet. 

Surprisingly,Jungkooks mother didn't shed a tear. Yeah sure, they were divorced, but still.... you don't just not cry on someone's funeral. She just stood their, in a trance, staring off into the distance, as if somewhat satisfied her ex-husband had finally left the earth. 

Jungkook didn't want to witness the burying process so he went back into the parking lot, taehyung automatically following him. He silently followed him and mimed his actions, getting into the car and everything. 

"You wanna go back home?" Taheyung asked, his own voice weird from crying. 


Taehyung obeyed and started the car, taking some time to rub his blurry eyes so he could focus. The journey was gloomy, the people were gloomy, and even the streets were empty, not a single soul about. This atmosphere managed to fill their hearts with even more despair, making it almost unbearable. The pair looked like a picture of abject misery. 

Taehyung drove back to Jungkooks moms house and took jungkook to his room, the place where both of them were staying.  For once, Taehyung's not sure how to act around jungkook, he seemed lost of ideas. 

Jungkook, fortunately fell asleep while taehyung was changing. Taehyung stoped himself from calling out to him to change and stopped himself in time, staring in awe at jungkook. He siat down besides him and combed his silky hair with his fingers.

After a few minutes, he heard someone come in through the front door. He immediately got up out of courtesy and went to greet Mrs Jeon (let's pretend she kept her name like that).

"Hello taehyung, I was looking forward to having a word with you anyways," Mrs jeon said, startling taehyung. 

"Oh UMM Yea..."

"C'mon have a seat."

Taehyung followed her steps to the living room and took a seat on one of the grand sofas. He was kinda nervous and he had no idea why. What could the woman possibly want to talk about? 

"So you and jungkook are dating?"

Taehyung's eyes went as wide as saucers. 


Mrs jeong smiled as bright as Hoseo- I mean the sun and placed her hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Don't worry tae, he told me like a year ago!"

Taehyung's eyes went impossibly wider and he gave a nervous laugh. Woah Woah Woah, why was he not aware of this? 

"Oh... I didn't-"

"Yeah, well, you see Tae, I see the chemistry between you and jungkook and let me tell you one thing, you and jungkook are perfect for each other, it's just..... don't break his heart, he's really.... sensitive."

"I know he is, I've known him since I was like five, and I'll look after him, don't worry."

Taheyung threw a smile back at her and excused himself, a happy feeling beginning to bloom in his chest.


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